11 ways to attract new listings during COVID-19

Virtual coffees with clients and helping to promote struggling local businesses are just two of 11 ways agents can generate new leads and listings during the COVID-19 crisis, a leading US agent and coach says.

Speaking during one of this year’s Transform lessons, Jim Remley says during the Covid-19 crisis agents need to think outside the square to list and sell.

Other avenues agents should focus on include vacation rental owners, those relocating for work, and circle marketing to generate multiple listings in the one street or neighborhood. 

Jim says the first hurdle agents need to jump is that of mindset, and make the choice to lead rather than switch to “hibernation mode”.

“Some have used this as an excuse, or justification, for failure,” Jim says.

“They’re staying at home watching Netflix and they’re not doing a lot of business.

“Strategy driven agents not only survive but thrive regardless of what the market is doing.”

One tactic that’s working well right now is using social media to invite contacts for a virtual cup of coffee shared over a video call.

In a time when people are looking for human connection, Jim says this is a good strategy agents can use to touch base and keep their name in people’s minds.

It’s not essential to talk about real estate and your client might prefer to share business advice.

“It creates super energy with a post like this and it really creates a lot of opportunity,” Jim says.

Jim says the Covid-19 crisis has put pressure on small businesses and another way to generate leads, referrals and listings is to give them a helping hand.

Strategies can include endorsing them on social media, swapping referrals, offering to connect them with your database or setting up an online meeting to brainstorm business ideas.

“If they do nothing else with it, they are going to remember you for a lifetime because you tried to help,” Jim says.

Other avenues to go down to generate leads and listings include making contact with owners of vacation rentals, such as Airbnb properties, that may look at selling given travel has been severely restricted and they might be facing financial difficulties.

“Believe me, you know someone and your clients know someone that owns an Airbnb or vacation rental,” Jim says.

Using a simple mailout to properties where holiday rentals are likely to be located, such as beachside streets and suburbs, should generate a good response.

In his lesson, Jim also provides sample scripts and tips on how to connect with potential sellers, including 10 ways to target the relocation market, focusing on absentee owners, investors in your database and owners selling their own property.

To watch Jim’s lesson, as well as other top, exclusive content direct from Transform 2020 and secure access to all of Elite Agent’s best actionable tips, strategies, news and views, subscribe to Elite Agent Pro here.

Transform 2020 highlights are brought to you by homely.com.au with supporting sponsors Kolmeo, Direct Connect and Openn Negotiation.

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Kylie Dulhunty

Former Elite Agent Editor Kylie Dulhunty is a freelance content producer for the Elite Agent audience, leveraging her extensive copywriting and real estate expertise.