Elite AgentTECH + SOCIAL

31 Points of Difference

Coffee cards for clients – a great initiative for sellers in particular. What are they going to do during your weekly open houses? A complimentary coffee at your local favourite cafe will be well and truly appreciated by your clients (as well as the cafe owner – more business for them!)

Personal guide to moving – let’s face it, we don’t move that often and it is easy to forget all the things we need to check, remember and take care of. A check-list for buyers and sellers puts them at ease in terms of what needs to be done (eg change of address forms, electoral register, water/power/gas/phone/internet connection, transfer insurances, removalist quotes, drivers licence etc.)

House-warming gifts – an added “feel good” gift from you (for little cost) will go a long way to the purchasers remembering you. In addition to a general gift some examples include a dinner voucher (who wants to cook on the first night?), movie tickets or a month’s DVD hire at the local outlet.

Information pack – this is a great idea for purchasers; don’t assume they know the area they are moving to. Include the local schools, kindergartens/child care centres, shopping centres, post office, dry cleaner, doctor, dentist, parks, swimming pool, community events and other places of interest.

Client appreciation nights – hold these either monthly, quarterly or yearly to show your appreciation for those that have sold through you or purchased from you or your agency. A simple get-together for drinks and nibbles will not cost you the earth; it’s a great way to say “thank you” and everyone there has YOU in common! The referral business will flow to you as a result!

Referral rewards – have a system in place to reward those that refer business to you, particularly on a regular basis. Wine, dinners, theatre tickets, gold class movie tickets, a night out at a five star hotel or weekend getaways are some great ways to thank those that push business your way (these are your raving fans!)

Anniversary cards/calls – this should be a given, yet not many agents seem to do it on a regular basis. A 12 month anniversary card and call is a nice touch; it shows you haven’t forgotten your past clients and they are more likely to refer you to their family and friends. A great tip is to send all your cards on the first day of each month then call them on the actual anniversary day!

Specialists – is there anything in particular that you or your agency specialise in? Apartments or investment properties, off the plan sales, waterfront, lifestyle/acreage, rural/residential, canal homes, hobby farms, weekenders, house and land packages, developments, project marketing etc.

Buyer assistance sheets – to help buyers find their ideal property (preferred area, land size, bedrooms, bathrooms, office, single level/two storey, rumpus room, pool, entertaining areas and distances to schools, beaches, shopping etc)

Client reviews/testimonials – keep in a folder for potential clients to look through in your office reception area as well as listed on your website.

Personal notes/messages – sent out after market appraisals and listing presentations either hand written or via SMS.

Key marketing areas – an area or precinct where you or the agency have had a high degree of success and in which you specialise; you are the known expert and consistently market properties in that area.

Buyer graphs – you consistently track buyer enquiry for each area or property type so therefore you know how buyers are finding the properties they purchase (internet, print media, signage, office enquiry, widow display or agent’s contacts). This then enables you to tailor a marketing proposal ideal for that area or property type.

Simon Thomas is a freelance auctioneer, sales trainer, business coach and mentor. His client list reads like a Who’s Who of the Australian real estate industry. Simon uses his experience, enthusiasm and passion for the industry to train and coach agents to reach their full potential.

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