EPMEPM: Profile

Madeleine Smith: Just Do You

As a small child Madeleine Smith loved drawing floor plans, and she was later offered her first job in real estate while working as a ‘checkout chick’. Now BDM at LJ Hooker Gosford and still enthusiastic about property, Madeleine says the best advice is to be yourself.

Madeleine, tell us a bit about yourself and your role at LJ Hooker Gosford.
I moved to the Central Coast in 2012 and was excited to stay with the LJ Hooker brand and take a job in 2013 as a property manager. I looked after a portfolio of 300-odd properties for a few years before taking a leap into the BDM role. It was a huge adjustment for me, but something I was really excited about and still am. It’s a role that allows me to develop great relationships with people and offers flexibility around typical days and tasks.

I work closely with both my sales and property management teams and we all have a strong level of trust towards each other, which is important. I am responsible for finding and on-boarding our new clients, as well as building relationships with the existing ones.

What motivated you to get into real estate or property management?
Honestly, I have just always loved houses – I remember when I was really little drawing floor plans and looking through the real estate section in magazines to make scrapbooks. Then one day my old boss came into my work (I was a checkout chick at the time) and offered me a receptionist position – the rest is history! I worked my way up from that; it has been really helpful to understand all the roles within the property management side of the business to better complete my own tasks and work with the teams.

What is the market like in your area right now?
A buzz! We have some new developments going up for the first time since I have worked on the Coast, so it is really interesting speaking to buyers looking at these versus the established houses and units we are used to. A lot of my investor clients are Sydney-based, so educating them on the difference in our market has been an important part of ensuring good results that they are impressed with.

Who or what inspires you?
My mum. She just does what has to be done and doesn’t complain about it. Also I would have to say all the amazing people in my brand family (LJ Hooker) – seeing their successes and how supportive everyone is really makes you want to do more.

In your ‘briefcase’ right now is…
In my handbag, apart from the typical, I always carry a tape measure, a doorstop, hand sanitiser and hand cream, and an assortment of snacks to make sure I eat. The back of my car is another story, with a whole bunch of extra things that I find myself frequently needing like light globes, batteries, Spray n’ Wipe, brochures and so on.

Something (or someone) you couldn’t live without?
Wine. And my assistant. I would sleep in the office if I had to do all the admin and follow-up tasks myself.

What do you enjoy most about Elite Agent/EPM Magazine?
It’s an easy read and relatable, because it’s put together by real people on the ground
in the industry. It’s the kind of magazine you can pick up and put down, time and time again.

What apps do you use most at the moment on your iPhone or iPad?
Homepass, REA, Instagram and my calendar – if the calendar stops syncing, my world falls apart. I stopped keeping a paper diary a few years ago so it is imperative both at work and socially!

What advice would you give someone starting out in property management?
Be yourself and don’t be afraid to show your personality. It helps develop the relationship and means people will remember you. Get in front of the client as much as you can; it can be a faceless role otherwise and both of you will get more out of it if you actually meet in person. Don’t think of it as a nine-to-five role but have fun with it. Help your colleagues and share both your successes and challenges with your team.

Any words to live by?

If you do something, people will judge you. If you do nothing, people will judge you. Just do you.

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