EPMEPM: Profile

Joe Iemma: Expect the Unexpected

As a school-leaver Joe Iemma was offered a job by a family friend and ‘fell’ into real estate by chance. Now a company director and BDM at Doyle Spillane, Joe has a real passion for property management – even though he started out thinking that everyone owned their own home.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your role at Doyle Spillane.
At Doyle Spillane I am the Director and BDM for the company and oversee the property management department.

What motivated you to get into real estate?
A family friend had an office in the area and he offered me a job straight out of school. To be honest, I didn’t know much about real estate, especially rentals – I thought everyone owned their own home! So I kind of fell into it.

What is the market like in your area right now?
Statistically, we are heading into a quieter time of the year on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, being the winter months. This year we’re finding that it has slowed a bit earlier than usual. We don’t have a massive amount of properties vacant, but they’re just taking a little bit longer to lease.

Who or what inspires you?
I really enjoy what we do and am very passionate about our industry, especially property management. There is so much to do and opportunities to help people every day. In short, I don’t need much inspiration! I love my job and find it really easy to be up for it every day.

“There is so much to do and opportunities to help people every day.”

In your ‘briefcase’ right now is…
I don’t own a briefcase and never have. All I need is my phone. If I’m out presenting I’ll have my presentation folder, but even that is minimal.

Something (or someone) you couldn’t live without?
I couldn’t live without my family and friends – I can’t get enough of them and they are my ‘why’! My beautiful wife Nicola and my four children: Maddison (our newest leasing consultant), Kristian, Ruby and Luca.

What do you enjoy most about Elite Agent/EPM Magazine?
Great content, really relevant. I obviously love the PM articles and there is always plenty that I can share with the team for training.

What apps do you use most at the moment on your iPhone or iPad?
Probably the standard – Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. I do a lot of videos and get some great interaction through those platforms with landlords and tenants.

What advice would you give someone starting out in real estate or property management?
Property management is a great career choice – you learn so much about people and situations, and life in general. If you have a good attitude and are happy to help people, the role can be very enjoyable – there are always going to be exceptions, but they can be few and far between.

I would advise someone starting out to expect the unexpected, as every day is very different.

Any words to live by?
My mantra is ‘100 per cent effort, without worrying about the result – that will look after itself!’.

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