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Industry Supplier Update: Campaigntrack at AREC 2018

Co-founder of Campaigntrack, Stefan Williams, spoke to us at AREC 2018 about advanced internet marketing and how agents can target buyers who aren't even searching for properties yet.


Basically, Campaigntrack’s a single platform you can manage all your marketing for your real estate. From traditional print, newspaper, signs, brochures, that kind of thing, and more recently digital marketing. We’ve partnered with, I guess, the two most memorable companies in the world. Arguably, the most powerful marketing platforms on the planet: Google and Facebook. 

We produced a product called ‘Advanced Internet Marketing’, which is designed to market properties and agents using those platforms and really extend the reach of real estate agents beyond the traditional portals.

So, we’ve been working for, coming up to almost 2 years now. Started off as a sort of a secret skunkworks project. And now it’s made it into the wild and we’re getting some absolutely amazing results. In fact, quite a few of the early adopter clients now are even looking at the way that they put marketing programs together. Quite a few of them are looking at their secondary portals and may be ditching the upgrades in the secondary portals and putting that money into Google and Facebook and getting some incredible results. 

I guess the key differentiator between what we do, there are many people, for example, that aren’t using the portals that are doing the types of things that indicate they might be about to enter the market.

They might have got a pay rise, had a baby, recently retired, started to do some searches on the internet that might suggest that they’re interested in property, and haven’t necessarily gone, “I’m looking in this particular suburb for these particular parameters.” What we do is we work with Google and Facebook’s ability to find people who have made the right sort of signals and put properties in front of those people at the right time. Really, we’re finding buyers and sellers beyond the portals and that’s the basic premise.

The advertising is very much on brand for the customer. So, you won’t see our logo anywhere on it. The clicks don’t go through to our website. It goes through to a web page that’s for the customer, by the customer. Also, we build up their data pools as well too, which is a fancy way of saying ‘retargeting’ and we know that most Australians and Kiwis spent something like 20 hours a week online now. I know my own daughter spends a lot more than that. Probably same with my wife.


Facebook, you know, it’s an obsession for, I think, something like 70 per cent of Australians and Kiwis are on Facebook, as well. So, putting properties that are currently on the market, properties that you’ve sold and also promoting agents, you know, on those platforms in a really low cost and automated and seamless and efficient way is a fabulous way to, I guess, extend your digital marketing. 

That’s the game nowadays. I think if you don’t up your digital game, particularly as, you know, marketing mixes, changes. Fewer and fewer people are prepared to pay money for traditional advertising. Some newspapers are fabulously strong still, but not all. We know that, you know, it’s inevitable that some newspapers will decline over time.

So, if you’re not a real estate agent who is putting your properties out there, where people actually spend their time past the portals, but not in a way that leads back to the portals. I think you’re really missing an opportunity. That’s what gets out of bed every morning. It’s really exciting.

There’s a really good buzz in the air. Lots of good quality conversations, and I think it’s very timely. I think the penny started to drop for a lot of brands and principals and agents as well. “Maybe we need to take something along this line much more seriously.”

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