REISA’s fourth Auctioneering Championships has concluded with a Gala Presentation Dinner at the Stamford Grand in Glenelg.

Toop & Toop’s Bronte Manuel was the winner for 2018 – his fourth win in a row – and will represent South Australia at the Australasian Auctioneering Championships in New Zealand in October.
Simon Jones from Harcourts Plus finished in second place and will also represent South Australia at the Australasians.
CEO of REISA, Greg Troughton said “What a spectacular result for Bronte – four wins in a row is a remarkable achievement. Congratulations also to Simon and I wish the two of them the best of luck in the Australasians.
“All the contestants did themselves and South Australia proud this year. I was also thrilled to see many new faces competing this year and well done to Sharon Gray for making the finals this year – surely not the last time we will see her or any of the other contestants in action in the future”.
“We all take great pride in our Auctioneering Championships. The event is as professional and transparent as it can be. It is judged by a panel of interstate judges – all under the experienced eye of our chief judge, Jonathon Moore” Mr Troughton said.
Vincent Doran from Underdale High School took out the REISA Scholarship Auction Competition.
“Well done to Vince for taking out the Scholarship Competition. Mark my words, this is one to watch in the future.”
“We look forward to Bronte and Simon banging the gavel for South Australia in October” Mr Troughton said.