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The simple things that make a difference: Bradley Fraser

In a four part series we drew inspiration from Tim Ferriss' Tribe of Mentors and spoke withARPM 2018 speakers about their story. Part 2 features McGrath Lower North Shore's New Client Consultant Bradley Fraser.

What is the most important thing you are working on and how are you making that happen?

At present we are implementing a new short-term letting partnership with a couple of businesses that offer innovative and consumer-oriented solutions to holiday accommodation. We are actively listing homes and apartments for this, and my role is focused on training and bringing new clients into the fold.

Where do great ideas in your business come from?

Most of the better ideas I’ve had have been organic and derived from on-the-job activities. Simple things like private inspections six days a week to set me aside from the competition is a good example. Things don’t need to be revolutionary to make a material difference.

Who are your leadership mentors and what do they do to inspire you?

Elon Musk works every day, leads by example, is making the world a better place and has devoted his own resources to each venture, putting his own financial stability on the line.

How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?

Early on in my career, I had numerous occasions where I thought I was doing the right thing by a client and found I was doing the opposite – mostly in pricing homes, trying to please my clients. It came to a head after I lost a few listings as I hadn’t achieved the expected result; I finally decided I would take a stronger line and stick to my guns irrespective of what my client wanted.

Then the next listing I lost to a competitor with the client feeling I had ‘underpriced’ it. Four weeks later, the client came back and gave me the listing; they hadn’t had any luck at the higher price and their agent had asked for three price reductions in four weeks. Always stick to what you believe in – if you try and appease people by ignoring your own beliefs, you are doing both yourself and them a disservice.

What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made?

Putting together a team. In my role it’s unusual to be anything but a sole operator; since I took someone on (I now have two team members) my business has grown and time spent working on building my business has increased. I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to be concentrating on tasks that are utilising your talents, not wasting time on tasks you’re not suited to.

In the last five years, what new belief behaviour or habit has most improved your life?

Hard conversations – have them, don’t dissemble or avoid; they’re often the only conversation that matters.

What commonly given advice do you think people should ignore?

‘Perfect week’. It works for some, it doesn’t for others. Don’t feel judged by those it does work for and make sure you have clear accountability that suits you.

You can find our other exclusive interviews with ARPM speakers and coaches here.

Bradley will be speaking at ARPM 2018 at The Star in Sydney on 19-20 August. For more information visit arpmconference.com.au

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