EPMEPM: Ask The Expert

Ask the coach: How to transition into a leadership promotion

Our expert property management coach, Heidi Walkinshaw, answers the question on transitioning into a leadership promotion.

Q. I have recently been promoted into a team leader role. How do I get on top of my time management with the added workload?

Firstly, congratulations on your promotion and jumping into the next phase of your career!

While it can be exciting to begin a new role, it can be daunting as you try to take into account all the new responsibilities it brings.

The first thing is to ensure that you are well organised; with team management you are not only dealing with the challenges of your own portfolio, but also navigating the challenges within your team that are both inward and outward facing.

Take the time to plan your day and try to allow for blockout time when  you need to look at the metrics around departmental performance.

Think about regular one-on-ones at least once per month and set up a training plan with your team. This helps ensure they are up to speed with the latest industry knowledge, while a one-on-one provides a platform for your team members to download once a month, plan and reset for the month ahead.

Be aware of the KPIs that are required for each team member and implement a system to track those KPIs that can be discussed in your time together each month.

Don’t forget the law of cause and effect. Your team will model the behaviours that they see in you. Stay positive, manage conflict early and promote an environment of inclusion and transparency to help build rapport and trust. This will lead to a happier team and ultimately happier clients.

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Heidi Walkinshaw

Heidi Walkinshaw has been immersed in property management for over 14 years, dealing in all aspects from leasing, property management, business development and team management. For more info visit realplus.com.au.