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The Harcourts Foundation’s latest funding round sees over $65,000 donated to nine charities

The Harcourts Foundation, the charitable arm of Harcourts Group Australia, announced grants to nine Australian charities during its most recent quarterly funding round. A total of $66,268 was donated across Australia to benefit charities serving the communities where Harcourts employees live and work.

“Over the past six months, a total of $100,128 has been granted by The Harcourts Foundation,” said Julia Eyles, The Harcourts Foundation Coordinator.

“This quarter’s group of charities represents a cross-section of causes supported by Harcourts franchisees and team members.”

Charities selected by The Harcourts Foundation (region) and grant amount:

Launceston City Mission (Tasmania) – $20,000
Inside Out 4 Kids (IO4K) is a unique children’s trauma, grief and loss support program designed to work holistically in the school environment in Tasmania’s North & North West to support young people through their journey with trauma, grief and loss. In the past 12 months, almost 500 children have participated in the program. This grant will support the delivery of the IO4K school program in Launceston and surrounding areas, assisting 40 children and their families to manage loss.

Enterprising Aardvark Counselling and Consultancy (Tasmania) – $10,000

Enterprising Aardvark is the only service in Northern Tasmania providing free, flexible long-term professional therapeutic counselling and support to individuals who have experienced early childhood trauma and sexual assault. The grant will provide fully funded counselling sessions for the next three months for women, men and children in the Launceston and Northern Tasmanian area.

KidsXpress (New South Wales) – $5,000
KidsXpress is one of the primary organisations in Australia leading the revolution on how we address the effects of childhood trauma and transform the way we see health and behaviour. This $5,000 grant will fund 95 teachers’ attendance at a professional learning workshop. With an average class size of 24 students, the tools learnt from these workshops will have a flow-on benefit to 2,280 students.

Olivia’s Place (Victoria) – $5,768
Olivia’s Place’s mission is to support and encourage families during pregnancy and early parenting through community engagement and the provision of resources, education and professional services. Their material aid program provides donated new and pre-loved goods to families in need and, due to exponential growth in donations over the last five years, they no longer have space at their centre to store, process and supply the goods. This grant will fund the rental of a local storage space appropriately fitted out for storage of excess donated items.

Cereal for Coffee (Queensland) – $2,000
Cereal for Coffee provides relief to young people suffering poverty and misfortune by 1) supporting chaplaincy programs by providing breakfast food items for children in primary and secondary schools and community groups, 2) organising events to collect breakfast items, 3) organising, marketing and selling merchandise to fundraise and promote awareness, and 4) fundraising events. This grant will provide 2000 breakfasts to Logan area primary school children in need.

University of Queensland – Brisbane Breast Bank (Queensland) – $3,000
Breast cancer will affect 1 in 8 women by the time they are 85. The Brisbane Breast Bank was established in 2005 with the aim of collecting a frozen tumour sample from every breast cancer patient undergoing treatment at the RBWH, where many thousands of samples are provided to collaborators for research, both nationally and internationally. This grant will be used to expand their annual research from 30 to 100 participants including patients, advocates, allied health staff, clinicians and the general community.

Childhood Cancer Association (South Australia) – $12,500
The Childhood Cancer Association is South Australia’s key childhood cancer support association providing hands-on support to over 400 children with cancer and their families. Each year in South Australia, they receive an average of 60 referrals for children newly diagnosed with cancer. An average of 10 children relapse and eight children pass away yearly.  Harcourts Packham held their 3rd Annual Quiz Night, raising $12,500 toward the “Michael Rice” units – a free accommodation provided for country/interstate families whilst their child is undergoing treatment at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Adelaide.

Childhood Cancer Association (National) – $5,000
Harcourts Packham’s Troy Sgarbossa and Silvia Josipovic chose this charity as the recipient of the $5000 grant prize, as part of their Harcourts Foundation Outstanding Contribution Award received at the Harcourts Australia National Conference in May 2018.

Women’s & Children’s Hospital Foundation (South Australia) – $2,000
The Women’s & Children’s Hospital Foundation Beach House aims to provide respite accommodation for families caring around the clock for children requiring palliative care support due to their complex needs and life-limiting illnesses. The Beach House offers a welcoming, peaceful environment far from the physical and emotional stresses of the hospital setting yet is strategically located near a hospital.  Funds granted were raised by Harcourts South Coast’s raffle of a Cubby House they decorated.

Deakin University – Run 4 Farmer Health (Landmark Harcourts) – $1,000

The National Centre for Farmer Health is a partnership between Western District Health Service and Deakin University. Based in Hamilton, Victoria, the Centre provides national leadership to improve the health, well-being and safety of farm men and women, farm workers, their families and communities across Australia by increasing knowledge across the farmers, rural professionals, academics and students. This grant will fund the cost of the marquee where participants of the “Run 4 Farmer Health” team at the Medibank Melbourne Marathon Festival 2018 gather post-event. Pictured is the team, including staff, families, friends, supporters, farmers, agricultural workers and health professionals.

Harcourts franchise owners in each state nominate and support the organisations that impact the community. Additionally, Harcourts corporate team members who salary sacrifice to the Foundation are given the chance to nominate a specific charity for a grant as part of an initiative called ‘corporate choice grants’, while the Landmark Harcourts network also designates grant recipients.

Since The Harcourts Foundation’s first donation in 2008, over $5 million has been raised. That translates to 686 charities supported, 311 communities impacted, and 851 grants made through Harcourts offices in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and the USA.

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