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Ray White Marsden continues expansion

The rapid expansion of Ray White Marsden continues with the appointment of Phil Zabaks as sales manager.

Although Ray White Marsden only opened on 15 January, it has already grown to a team of 22, who have sold more than 100 properties and now have over 200 properties on the rent roll.

Principal Avi Khan said they had experienced very rapid growth since opening the doors earlier this year.

“We have quickly become one of the top agencies in the Logan area, chalking up significant sales results for our clients,’’ he said.

Mr Khan said the business had grown so substantially he had been keen to secure someone of Mr Zabaks’ experience to help the team.

“When the doors first opened in January, we started with just three staff members,’’ Mr Khan said. “We have now well and truly surpassed that. The pace of growth has been exhilarating, but that can also come with challenges.

“I am very pleased that we were able to secure someone of Phil’s calibre to further expand our market share and more importantly our service.’’

Mr Khan said there appeared to be strength in the local market and many “up and coming’’ suburbs in the area, which he believed offered good opportunities for buyers in Marsden.

After an early career playing soccer in New South Wales, Mr Zabaks moved to Queensland in 2011 and started his real estate career.

Even when he was pursuing his sporting career, Mr Zabaks said, he was enrolled in a real estate course and setting himself up for a future in the industry.

“I think playing sport really helped me develop a desire to work as part of a team, but also to help and assist those in the team who needed it,’’ he said.

He plans to use those same techniques and skills honed on the sporting field in his role as sales manager to help drive the Marsden team to solid success.

Mr Zabaks was attracted to real estate in part because he enjoyed meeting and helping people.

“It is a very satisfying feeling to be able to help someone through the emotional experience of selling their family home, or helping someone find what will be their new home,’’ he said.

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