We Are Real Estate

Joel Davoren: A genuine love of real estate

On getting into real estate
It took me some time to realise that I love the industry, probably three years. I just stuck with it through the challenging first few years and on the other side of that, I realised I genuinely loved the nature of the industry. Initially it was a job and now it is a passion and something that I see myself always being involved with.

The happiest moment in my career
The happiest moments are always the ones that involve navigating myself or my clients through challenging or difficult scenarios and situations, and coming out the other side. There have been countless occasions where it seemed nearly impossible to create a great outcome but one way or another, we have found a way.

There are many collision points that threaten to derail a deal, a management or a relationship in this industry. Existing in the corporate world is no different to this, although the challenges now come in different forms. Helping our business owners through those is what makes me feel the happiest and most fulfilled these days.

The most memorable moment
I’m yesterday’s hero when it comes to selling property, but I would say it was the penthouse in the iconic Craigston building in Spring Hill. Craigston was Brisbane’s first multi-level apartment building. Passed in at auction, we achieved a great outcome shortly after. The process worked!

Best advice he’s received
Never look back at a decision and say it was the right or wrong thing. We all just make choices based on the best information we can access at the time. Continually judging decisions as right or wrong can potentially make us risk averse and sometimes it’s the brave decision that will get us the result, not the one with less risk.

Biggest challenge
I see two major risks. One is the disengagement of the industry from the leadership bodies that are currently in existence. The REIs are fragmented and each industry is virtually different in every state. There has been a distinct lack of industry advocacy over the years, although I have seen some great work from some of the REIs in recent times around industry lobbying and professional development.

Secondly, the professionalism of the industry as a whole needs to be improved. Being part of a global network has given me the opportunity to see that the Australian and New Zealand real estate industries are two of, if not the, most advanced in the world. The levels of sophistication in marketing, technology and compliance are nearly unparalleled anywhere else. Ironically, this is making our role more and more necessary in a rapidly changing world.

The level of entry to become a real estate professional has not been historically high and if we are to be considered and respected as genuine specialists in the future, we will need to ensure our knowledge backs our enthusiasm and skill. I applaud some of the pioneers out there calling for increased levels of education prior to practicing as a real estate professional.

Change for good?
See my response to the previous question above regarding the professionalism and education of agents. I’d also like to see a more sustainable model for introducing young, talented agents into the industry, without burning them out before they realise they love the industry, just like I did.

‘Elite’ agent means
Execution. An agent that continually, consistently and relentlessly executes on all of the vital activities required by that agent’s version of a successful, abundant career, whether they be a business owner, salesperson, property manager, buyer’s agent. This requires a rare level of determination, resilience and depth of character.

#WeAreRealEstate is a series of short interviews with 140 agents all over Australia exploring the industry’s hopes, concerns, future challenges, and what it really means to be an Elite Agent.

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