On getting into real estate
At first I chose computer science to do at university, but after a year failing and reviewing my options, I decided that I would come back to the Central Coast. I was looking for a job at the same time I was learning real estate at Tafe as a backup.
Once I started studying real estate, I knew it was perfect for me and started working part-time. From there I got a job selling clothing for Reuben F Scarf – an awesome apprenticeship that taught me a great deal about selling and I was already a natural closer, advancing quickly.
I would constantly be offered jobs in every industry, selling suits to many CEOs and business owners. The big win was when I was offered one in real estate. I could never get into my dad’s office as it was a closed old-school real estate with the traditional four seniors and nobody under 40 in sight.
The company that offered me a job was the first firm dad had worked for and the owner had heard I could sell. He bought three suits and I got offered a job. I jumped at the chance only to find out they had a more experienced person go for the job and had to put me on hold.
I was working six days a week at Reuben F Scarfs and so offered my seventh day free as work experience. The first day I sold a home, second day listed one and sold another.
The journey began. After the second sale and being top of the leader board, I hit the owner up for a job and he just couldn’t refuse.
The happiest moment in my career
The happiest moment in my career would have been when Dad and I started our own office together called Heritage on 1 March 1994.
I am so proud of Dad for having a crack at it even though what we bought and what we got were very different. He was devastated it wasn’t what he expected and I was stoked about the four brick walls we had where our property management team is today.
I knew it was the start of something brilliant. Knowing Dad was not a risk-taker made me even more determined that it was going to be a defining moment in all of our lives and the community would get the very best service that anyone could deliver.
The most memorable moment
I don’t think there is, every one is very very special. I always treat every sale like my first – it’s fun, exciting and it creates memories.
Best advice he’s received
Buy property never sell. Treat people how you want to be treated, and live a day in the life of your clients.
Biggest challenge
Expectations of people have risen. They don’t judge you on their best real estate service, they judge you on their best service and it is hard to be 24 hours a day, seven days a week at the top of your game.
I believe Artificial Intelligence will play a big part in real estate in the future and it will move agents away from human to human contact. But this will ultimately return as I believe that people just enjoy dealing with people.
Change for good?
Less expectation of paperwork. The legal side is dwarfing the ability to be with people more and that is a real shame.
‘Elite’ agent means
Someone who cares for their clients more than themselves and their paypacket.
#WeAreRealEstate is a series of short interviews with 140 agents all over Australia, exploring the industry’s hopes, concerns, future challenges, and what it really means to be an Elite Agent.