We Are Real Estate

Adam Flynn: Aiming high

From the moment he opened the doors at Biggin & Scott Knox, Adam Flynn knew it would be a success

On getting into real estate
I was kicked out of school at Year 11 and decided that I wanted to get into real estate straight away, but I had to wait until I was 18. As soon as I reached that age, I started my career and have not considered doing anything else since!

The happiest moment in my career
The happiest moment of my career was when I started Biggin & Scott Knox after selling my last business. I knew it would be a success from the first moment.

The most memorable moment
I sold 235 Wantirna Rd. I sold the property roughly 12 years ago for $2.2 million. About four years ago, the area was rezoned and the block next door sold for $10 million – an $8 million difference! That one has always stuck with me.

Best advice he’s received
“The best listers earn the most money.”

Biggest challenge
The biggest challenge I see in this industry is that agents are a dime a dozen. There are people who continue to enter the industry and are incompetent or not trained correctly. They reduce their fee structures in order to compete with more experienced agents, as opposed to standing on their own two feet and working to earn the same fees as being offered by other agents. We need to continue to educate the public about the importance of trained and skilled negotiators when selling their most important asset.

Change for good?
Unfortunately, if you have a pulse and heartbeat you can get into real estate. There should be a standard for people entering the business to prevent just anyone being able to sell property.

‘Elite’ agent means
I’m very performance-based and I believe the competence level of an agent is based on their results, so an elite agent, to me is an agent that is aspiring to be writing $1 million in fees and along that journey is improving their GCI by 50 per cent pa, year-in, year-out .

#WeAreRealEstate is a series of short interviews with 140 agents all over Australia, exploring the industry’s hopes, concerns, future challenges, and what it really means to be an Elite Agent.

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