We Are Real Estate

Brooke Colledge: On a role

Hard work and persistence has seen Ray White’s Brooke Colledge achieve many milestones in her career, from BDM to sales

On getting into real estate
I started my real estate career at the age of 17. Always having a passion for property from a young age, my goal was to purchase a home, so real estate just worked – there was nothing else I could see myself doing. Over my career, I have covered most roles within the office and enjoy all aspects. I did work in a bank for a few years before having kids and returning to real estate, and have not looked back.

The happiest moment in my career
So far the transition into a sales role. This is something that I thought about for a long time and kept delaying as I loved the BDM role. For me it was the accomplishment of knowing it was going to be OK, backed by a great brand and colleagues. This has honestly been amazing. 

The most memorable moment
As a BDM, I think mostly working to lease properties that had been vacant for a long time with other agents. A fresh marketing approach has seen them leased with me in no time.

I did lease a fabulous property in Richlands for $900 a week, a stunning custom-built executive home. From a sales perspective, one of my first listings as a salesperson, the owner had been on the market for more than seven months previously with two well-known local agencies. I was able to list and unconditionally sell the property within one month. 

Best advice she’s received
Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today. No means not now, so be persistent.

Biggest challenge
In this digital age access to information is as simple as Googling it. Making sure vendors and buyers have interpreted the information correctly and guiding them on the right path with market knowledge, sales training and staying up-to-date with current trends. This will provide the service and trust needed to educate all parties involved.

Change for good?
I would love to see the first home owner grant reinstated for existing dwellings, or a similar incentive to help get into the property market.

‘Elite’ agent means
An agent who is dedicated, hard-working enthusiastic and looks forward to going to work each day. An agent who is able to service customer needs by building solid relationships and reaching targets. These traits will reveal a successful agent who, in time, with hard work and persistence, will reach the level of an elite agent.

#WeAreRealEstate is a series of short interviews with 140 agents all over Australia exploring the industry’s hopes, concerns, future challenges, and what it really means to be an Elite Agent.

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