We Are Real Estate

James Gwynne: Value adding

With fee discounting rife in the industry, Ray White’s James Gwynne says agents are losing confidence in their ability to bring value and service to clients

On getting into real estate
I was looking for a career that you could work hard in and really reap the rewards if you did well at it. 

The happiest moment in my career
I think my proudest moment was when I made the top 10 in Queensland for the franchise I was in and it was only my second year in the industry. I think it was more exciting because I had no idea I was actually doing that well. It gave me the confidence to know I must be doing something right.

The most memorable moment
The most memorable property I sold was one early on in my career and the highest value property I have ever listed. I went up against a very established agent and through sheer luck, won the listing.

The main reason it was so memorable was because the client was very difficult and demanding, more than usual. At one point in the campaign she told me: “This feels like we are flying through turbulence and the plane is going down, and I have no faith in the pilot”.

That was pretty confronting, however we stuck to the process and ended up selling the property for $1.2 million at auction, with 15 registered bidders and $100k over reserve. We even broke the record for the highest sale in the suburb. We are now great friends and she refers me business all the time.

Best advice he’s received
Database everyone you ever meet, then personally keep them informed with relevant property sales so they can make better decisions for the future. You’ll be their go-to person for anything real estate.

Biggest challenge
I think the biggest challenge we face as an industry is ourselves. Agents losing confidence in their ability to bring actual value and service to our clients, and having the confidence to charge more for it because you know you can put more money back into the client’s pocket through your skill, process and negotiation.

I’m seeing more and more agents discounting their fees and paying for marketing than ever and that is because they are not focusing on adding value, they are focusing on being the cheapest option.

Change for good?
I’m really happy with the industry. I get to do what I love, solving people’s problems and helping them to move to the next chapter of their lives. As long as we can continue to keep adding value to our clients, I wouldn’t change anything.

‘Elite’ agent means
Someone who day-in day-out focuses 100 per cent on their customer’s experience and how to make it better. Someone who is fully immersed in their local community and gives back to the community as much as they can.

#WeAreRealEstate is a series of short interviews with 140 agents all over Australia exploring the industry’s hopes, concerns, future challenges, and what it really means to be an Elite Agent.

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