Don Ha of RE/MAX NZ to speak in New Delhi

Don Ha, one of New Zealand’s most acclaimed real estate agents and owner of RE/MAX New Zealand’s top-performing office, is an invited keynote presenter at this year’s fifth annual Asia Pacific Convention for the global RE/MAX giant, to be held in New Delhi, India.

In his presentation, Think Bigger, Mr Ha will share his story of how he came to New Zealand at 12 years of age as a refugee who spoke no English and hadn’t passed his fifth and sixth form studies.

He joined real estate in 1994, selling houses for $35,000 and getting $750 as commission, but due to his sheer determination, sold 86 properties in his first year. That record for a rookie still stands today.

Today he controls and markets more than $1 billion worth of property nationally – a far cry from the $800,000 in total house value he had in 1994.

“My subject is thinking big, breaking through the mindset and believing you can do anything,” Mr Ha said.

Eleven members of the RE/MAX Revolution team are attending the convention where more than 450 real estate professionals from approximately 30 countries are expected.

“This will be our first visit to India, so we are very excited. I am speaking on the first day of the event which will be a lot of pressure, but I am up to it,” Mr Ha said.

Mr Ha’s sales ability has created worldwide interest in RE/MAX ranks within a year of joining the global network.

He was a guest speaker in South Korea for the RE/MAX Asia Pacific Convention in 2018, and a keynote speaker for RE/MAX Australia -New Zealand Platinum Plus Conference, and the RE/MAX New Zealand Rally this year.

He recently conducted a joint seminar with international motivation speaker and mind power expert, Robin Banks, with 650 in attendance. 

With his life and career dedicated to real estate, it rightfully follows that his achievements and experience are now noticed and recognised world-wide.
Mr Ha says that being in real estate is not just a job.

“It’s about changing peoples’ lives and providing advice to guide them towards achieving financial freedom and recognising that it is far beyond the job it initially started as. It’s a living dream every day I go to work.”

Australia and New Zealand join 16 other regions in RE/MAX’s Asia Pacific network – South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Guam, Hong Kong, Macau, China, Japan, Taiwan, India, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Malaysia and Myanmar. The 2019 RE/MAX Asia Pacific Convention begins August 19. 

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