Angela Limanis: Data drives success

Years in the industry?
I started in 1998 as a receptionist who couldn’t turn on a computer. The role evolved into marketing coordinator and property manager very quickly.  I spent a few years in commercial real estate but I was quickly drawn back to residential. In total I’ve been in sales for 12 years, but with a few years off in between. 

What’s a special place in your local area?
Southland shopping centre is a big draw card but it’s the beaches of Bayside that I love the most. Although our core suburb of Cheltenham is not on the beach it does border those suburbs, so we get the benefit of being just minutes away without the price tag.

Did you choose real estate or did real estate choose you?
I chose real estate after I sold my first property and purchased the home that I am in. I loved the feeling of looking around for a home as well as the dealings I had with the agent. I found the experience exciting and heartwarming and I was hopeful to continue to experience these feelings in the industry.

First sale?
A cute weatherboard house on a subdivided lot in Burwood East. Not only was it my first sale but it was also my first auction campaign of which I had no training.… I did not even know what the term ‘on the market’ meant. When a colleague of mine asked at what point did it go on the market, I replied, “it was around 10 past 1!”

Most memorable sale?
It has to be the sale of my brother’s home. Real Estate can be a rollercoaster of emotions but adding the sale of a family member’s property just intensifies it.

I had to balance professionalism and connectedness and treat my family like any other client. It was difficult to see their reactions when the news was not what they wanted to hear. In the end the campaign was a great success where I achieved well over $100,000 over their reserve price.

What type of business do you focus on?
It is a combination of new business, relationships I have developed over the last two-and-a-half years within my current role, as well as past clients.

What’s the most important part of your day?
Definitely the morning. Planning my day, getting myself in the right state and exercise will always set me up for a great day. I struggle to stay focused if it is any other way.

Where would you like to be this time next year?
I would like to increase my business by 50 per cent, with an assistant I am about to employ.

Challenge for the industry?
I’m very fortunate to work in a company that provides great leadership, training and resources in every department. I feel for new agents (of any age) that come into the industry and are not provided these things to help put them on a path of success. They throw in the towel before they’ve given it a chance.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Collect as much data as you possibly can and stay in touch consistently and without fail. This includes hot and cold prospects, immediate and long term sellers. If I did this from my very first day in real estate, my business would be completely different today.

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