Carole Saville – Service is key

Carole Saville is part of the Eview Group, heading up Carole Saville Inspiring Real Estate. She is one of Eview's top selling representatives in WA.

Years in the industry?
Just over six years.

What’s a special place in your local area?
My focus area is Kingsley – a lovely family friendly suburb which boasts so much beautiful parkland.

There’s some excellent walks in the area, my favourite being around Lake Goollelal. We are privileged to still have a drive-in movie, the Galaxy Drive In Movie, which was established in 1973.

Did you choose real estate or did real estate choose you?
I was invited into real estate, so I chose to join.

This was after a career as a nurse and midwife, whilst owning a successful optical wholesale for 23 years and a naturopathic business, which I owned and ran for eight years.

First sale?
My first sale was not my listing – it was for a colleague. I loved the connection which I quickly formed with the buyers and enjoyed the gentle but persuasive art of negotiation.

One of my first listings and sales was for my ex-husband, I have sold two homes for him – now that’s trust!

Most memorable sale?
A fairly recent sale where I had been referred to a couple outside my usual area.

They had been on the market with the local “expert” for four months, had very few buyers through the home and had no offers.

They literally grilled me at the listing presentation and were highly suspicious I could get them the result they wanted.

Day 4, after launching their home on the internet and to our database, I had taken 26 buyers through the home, had written four offers, with one successful offer they were thrilled with!

They are now raving fans. They have moved well out of an area I could possibly service but we regularly chat. They fell in love with my dog Harry, who was invited to their home after they accepted their offer.

What type of business do you focus on?
Residential sales and downsizing would be my specialty. As an ex-nurse who loves the aging population, I have so much experience and help to offer.

What’s the most important part of your day?
The start of the day, setting myself up a great mindset with exercise and meditation before I start any work.

Where would you like to be this time next year?
Ideally at least 10 per cent ahead of my last year.

Having said that, I’m an agent who is very grateful for the success I have had to date and love the work/life balance I have managed to create in my life.

I’m not driven by the numbers as such, I’m driven by doing my best. Service is the key!

Challenge for the industry?
At the moment I would say low inventory is a real issue, plus the need to remain tip top with technology, innovation and social media is a constant challenge.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Train and stay at the elite level, and always be yourself.

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