Elite Agent TVVideo of the Week

Video of the Week – ‘Dreams’ of the perfect buyer

Collings Real Estate have done it again, jumping on the viral Dogface and Fleetwood Mac Trend. The property was sold in six days.

Spiros Vamvalis and Christian Gravias listed 1/240 Punt Road, Prahran in Victoria for sale last week, launching the property campaign in conjunction with one of their viral property videos.

The inspiration: TikTok and the Dogface/Fleetwood Mac Dreams video, which they felt would suit the demographic of the type of buyer that would purchase the apartment.

The company said the video was a huge success with the property selling for more than $60,000 over the vendor’s reserve after being on the market for six days.

The buyer saw the video online and has now requested the video in a DVD format to commemorate the purchase/sale of the property.

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