Jet Xavier: Steer away from fear

Not everyone copes well with change, despite it being necessary for both personal and business success. Jet Xavier explains the three fears that stop great change and how you can overcome them.

“Let him that would move the world first move himself” – Socrates.

For some, the thought of change brings fear in large doses, and for others it is a doorway to another world of opportunity and possibility.

For some, change all seems too hard, while for others it’s a chance to shine.

In real estate, those that change fast, whether it be personal development or business development change, are the ones who come out the winners every time.

Those that don’t embrace change seem to be the ones that struggle and find it hard to create the traction and momentum required to create the success they desire.

So what stops people from changing, and how can we fix that?

Many issues contribute to people not changing.

However, I have found three main areas are usually the culprits that make people not disciplined or confident enough to show up.

I call them the three fears. The three fears are what underlie why people change or don’t.

Addressing these fears will allow you to become unstoppable when it comes to making a change in your life or business for success.


“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new” – Socrates.

If we are honest, most people fear failure to some degree.

We are afraid to fail and therefore do not even try most of the time.

So we interpret change as a possible failure.

It seems that those who embrace change can see failure differently and don’t fear it.

They see failure as a chance to learn and a way to get feedback. Start to see failure as learning and feedback.


“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety” – Abraham Maslow.

Uncertainty and the unknown paralyse people when it comes to change because it creates anxiety and takes away the comfort and security of knowing what the future will be.

It’s called the comfort zone.

However, people who tackle change head-on see opportunity and possibility, not uncertainty and the unknown.

They see potential and excitement in what may lay ahead.

As they don’t fear failure, it’s easier not to fear the unknown.

Start to see the unknown as opportunity, possibility and potential.


“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude” – Maya Angelou.

The catch cry from those who resist change is, ‘it’s all too hard; I have to sacrifice too much’.

They start to make excuses and justify why they can’t change and then usually give up.

They don’t have the discipline nor want to carry the responsibility for change.

There is a saying, “It’s only as hard as you make it,” which is true.

If you think it’s hard, it will be. If you think it can’t be done, it won’t be.

How hard you think something will be determines how hard it actually is.

Saying something is hard is just a perception you have about it.

Your focus is in the wrong area. Your focus should be on what you’re getting from the effort you put in, not on the effort itself.

It’s just as Wayne Dyer says, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.

The other key reason people put in the effort for change is they know why they are doing it, and this motivates them.

They are passionate about what they are doing, so it’s a labour of love and not hard labour.

They are committed to doing what it takes, even the things they might not particularly like, in the process of change.

As the Chinese proverb goes, “When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills”.

Start to see effort and responsibility as the way to your dreams, not a life of pain.

Finally, the key important thing to remember is that change is really about your mindset.

George Bernard Shaw said, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything”.

But I will leave the last word to Albert Einstein:

“Nothing happens unless something is moved.”

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Daniel Johnson

Daniel Johnson was the news editor for Elite Agent. He worked with the company from February 2020 to June 2020. For current stories, news alerts or pitches, please email [email protected].