Rex’s visual dashboards provide valuable sales insights at a glance

Rex Software has launched a new series of live visual dashboards, designed to provide ‘at-a-glance’ insights into where your next sale could come from. 

Humans like to consume data visually and use these images to drive their decision-making. 

Which is why the team at Rex has launched its new series of live visual dashboards to help agents, administration staff and principals get real value from their CRM – and make decisions around focus and priorities – quickly and easily. 

“Combining the powerful insights from the Agent Performance Dashboard, the Current Inventory (pipeline) Dashboard and the Sold Listings Dashboard will enable sales teams to celebrate where they are smashing it and focus on where there is an opportunity to step up activity,” Rex Product Manager Tom McCarthy said. 

Agency reporting is often a tedious task and there can be inaccuracies when it’s derived from a series of cobbled-together spreadsheets that require daily manual updating. 

Following discussions with a variety of admins about their frustrations, the team at Rex received feedback from agencies’ heads and sales managers who expressed a desire for “at-a-glance” updates on how their agents are performing.

The series of three live dashboards were created to solve their biggest pain points in the current approach. 

With the updated offering, the wall of numbers has been taken away and users are now presented with a comprehensive set of meaningful metrics in a single graphic depiction of the data. 

The numbers were always in Rex but they’ve now been pulled together into a dashboard series that communicates an agency’s sales data-story and provides the opportunity to explore the ‘why’ questions. 

The new dashboards are as much a time-saving tool as they are an accountability tool.

“Helping you and your team rally around your agency’s overall financial performance is the best way to make sure everyone’s working towards the big goals,” Rex noted.

The three new dashboards include an Agent Performance Dashboard, which is designed to be used by individual sales agents daily. Managers and directors can also use this dashboard to review agent performance. 

Here, users will find the agent’s average commission rate; commission attributed per month and per suburb; appraisal-to-list ratio; list-to-sell ratio; average days on market; total attributable commission, and more. 

Agents will also be able to better keep track of their individual monthly performances at a glance, without needing to dive into complex reports.

Principals will be able to see their entire pipeline and overall team sales performance, which will assist in making smarter financial decisions.

For extra insight this dashboard also includes “system usage stats”, such as number of appraisals completed in Rex and number of reminders ticked off, which lets you see who’s really using Rex. 

The Current Inventory Dashboard is designed to help plan and prioritise work in upcoming sales pipelines, and forecast inbound commission. 

It also includes a pipeline widget that provides a great talking point for morning sales meetings.

Shared on a TV screen, it will facilitate discussions about active appraisals, listings under authority, listings published, and the deals under contract and unconditional – with visibility for the commission estimates for every stage. 

The third visual dashboard is the Sold Listings Dashboard, which is where users can see their sales data, understand where revenue is coming from and track overall agency performance.

The three dashboards that have been released to Rex’s Professional Package and Enterprise users are only the beginning, with plans in motion to expand the series to cover other areas that agencies, owners and managers ask about their businesses.

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