Elite AgentOPINION

Manos Findikakis: Leads, leads and more leads

Early in my real estate career, I heard this statement from a good friend and colleague which really resonated with me.

He stated, “our industry does not have a lead generation problem, it has a lead follow-up problem”.

It was to become an interesting observation because he further went on to say, “if you master the follow-up process, you will not be able to keep up with the abundance of leads.”

At the time I was perplexed by the statement as the most common question or request I had from the majority of colleagues was that they simply couldn’t get enough leads.

They were often looking for the perfect (aka – magic dust) prospecting strategy that worked and generated a consistent flow of ‘now’ leads, with a minimum of effort, time and financial investment.

In other words, they were in search of Utopia.

Many may also assume that leads are often the result of an agent’s follow-up process.

Most would confidently assume that in today’s modern world of real estate practice, the follow-up process with the majority agents would be sound.

That is, once they make a meaningful connection with an individual who may be a potential seller, then there would be a corresponding and appropriate follow-up process with meaningful touchpoints to stay relevant and top of mind as an active agent.

It is therefore perplexing to think that in the majority of cases, this does not happen. Especially with established clients such as past buyers and sellers.

Some may debate this, but a very easy way to get a snapshot of the effectiveness of past follow-up is to research the last 20 to 50 new listings that have come to market in their area and cross-reference the last agency that sold it to the current owner.

You may be surprised that more than 80 per cent have selected a different agent to the one they bought it off.

That’s only one in five sellers that reconnect and list with the original agent they bought it off.

That begs the question as to why this is the case.

Surely a past buyer would be high on the reason list to stay connected with and build a strong value-based relationship, and because of it, we should see more current listings re-listed by the previous selling agency?

Yet, in most instances and marketplaces, it’s not the current reality.

Of course, there is a multitude of reasons as to why past buyers don’t use the agent they bought it off.

It could be that they simply didn’t have a memorable experience in the first instance, were not followed up as mentioned in the introduction (I mean, how often do sellers say they can’t remember who they bought the property from?) or the agent has moved on and may no longer be in the industry or location.

Whatever the reason, one must assume that the follow-up process in many instances, be it with past sellers, buyers, or appraised properties, is not at a level that keeps those agents at the top of the shopping list with these potential sellers.

So what does an effective but simple follow-up process look like?

I’d like to say there is a one-size-fits-all, but there isn’t.

Generally speaking, follow-up must be tailored to the individual and timing plays an equally important role.

Imminent sellers will have differing touchpoints than those who have no immediate plans to move.

Both follow-up strategies, to be effective, must have one thing in common, and that is ‘relevance’.

With each follow-up or touchpoint, it must be relevant and informative and in a broad view, display that the agent is active, knowledgeable and effective.

Follow-up must also have a blended approach. It should have part digital and tech, such as email and social media, as well as direct mail such as handwritten anniversary cards or glossy market reports.

The yearly phone call accompanied by regular (two to three per year) SMS updates goes without saying.

Raving fans and VIPs should also be treated to yearly client nights.

There is a plethora of follow-up strategies and opportunities that each agent can implement.

For those that are serious and wish to take a long-term approach, I highly recommend conducting a full-day planning session with their team.

In doing so, you will be able to map out an effective follow-up process which, when implemented, will generate an abundance of leads.

It will be an investment of time that your future self will be eternally grateful for.

For all inquiries, please email [email protected] for more information on how the Eview Group can help you take your career to the next level.

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Manos Findikakis

Manos Findikakis is the CEO of Agents'Agency, Australia's first multi-brand real estate network.

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