First National promotes two executives, strengthens ties with New Zealand

First National Real Estate has announced new management roles that appoint Stacey Kelly to national business growth manager and Matthew Harveyย to head of growth.

The Announcement:

First National Real Estate has promoted two long-term executives to new roles, in a re-shuffle that reflects closer ties between the Australian and New Zealand arms of the network.

Since 2019, the not-for-profit โ€˜adaptive cooperativeโ€™ has introduced a raft of turn-key sales and profitability growth solutions across Australia. These have successfully broadened the brandโ€™s appeal to franchisees and independent agents, leading the New Zealand Board of Directors to resolve to adopt a similar strategy – with the support of the Australian administration.

With new products and services now being rolled out across New Zealand, new staff have been recruited to support Auckland head office and Australiaโ€™s administration has recalibrated to provide the necessary inputs.

Stacey Kelly – who has supported the growth of Victorian First National agencies for some 13 years – steps into the role of National Business Growth Manager. This will see her lead the nationwide team of business growth managers, who work to strengthen First National agencies by mentoring salespeople, property managers and principals.

โ€˜Iโ€™m very excited about the opportunity to advance and re-shape the way First Nationalโ€™s business growth team supports agents and offices throughout Australiaโ€™ says Ms Kelly.

โ€˜Our hands-on approach to boosting careers and businesses is already well recognised and respected. I intend to build on this foundation by strengthening support and resources for our BGMs as well as focusing on the workflows that will polish the consistency of the First National experience.โ€™

Matthew Harvey – who held the post of National Business Growth Manager for eight years – assumes the role of Head of Growth โ€“ Australia and New Zealand, after setting new records for the recruitment of offices into the network over the past three years. He has re-structured New Zealandโ€™s recruitment proposition and is committed to accelerating the acquisition of new offices.

โ€˜Itโ€™s an honour to be entrusted with the Head of Growth โ€“ Australia and New Zealand role and Iโ€™m pleased to see my good friend and colleague, Stacey Kelly, take on her new role with such positive energy,โ€™ says Mr Harvey.

โ€˜I look forward to continuing the growth momentum of the network in Australia and building on the great presence of the First National Real Estate brand in New Zealand. With a unified recruitment strategy and message now in place across both countries, membership enquiry over the summer hiatus has been incredibleโ€™.

First National Real Estate has more than 350 offices throughout Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia.

Source: First National Real Estate

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