Ray White Queensland appoints Michael Andrews Chief Operating Officer

After being with Ray White for more than 21 years, Michael’s experience makes him the right person to operate one of the leading businesses within the group.

The Announcement:

TOP Gold Coast leader Michael Andrews has been appointed to the role of Chief Operating Officer at Ray White Queensland, starting March 1.

The previous head of sales at Ray White Surfers Paradise has more than 10 years experience leading one of the biggest and most successful sales teams in the country.

Michael Andrews has been appointed by Ray White Queensland CEO Jason Andrew to oversee the day to day operational functioning of the 175 strong office network in the Sunshine State.

His experience in the field underpins his understanding of how a sales business fits into the broader market environment and also strengthens his commitment to growth.

At the early age of 17, Michael Andrews knew the real estate industry was where he wanted to be and true to most success stories – he started at the bottom as a sign boy. His determination, drive and passion for the industry are his motivation.

He’s been with Ray White for more than 21 years, starting in western Sydney, before moving to Townsville at age 22 and he earned his first leadership position at 25.

“Ray White is the leading group in Queensland, and I have no hesitation in backing the group’s ambitions by taking on the challenge of the COO role in Queensland,” Mr Andrews said.

“I would love to express thanks and love to the Ray White Surfers Paradise group and the journey I have shared with its owners Andrew and Greg Bell. I am leaving on a high after the best Event in history with 145 auctions and a record sales month for the group. I have the support of both Andrew and Greg and I am thankful and can still support their business with my journey ahead.

“I’m looking forward to working closely with Jason, as well as the rest of the 460-member corporate team nationally and the 900-plus office network in Australasia.”

Ray White Queensland CEO Mr Andrew said that for the last decade Michael Andrews had essentially served “as the right hand man to the operation of one of the leading businesses within our group.”

“Michael has been integral in the success of The Event, which has long been considered the pre-eminent auction event in Australia.

“Michael has been leading the sales team at one of our leading businesses and within it, its leading performers, which means he is the right man for the job to serve as the Chief Operating Officer inside Ray White Queensland.

“We are so incredibly excited by what Michael can achieve in corporate and know he’s left the Ray White Surfers Paradise team in a better place – that will be his legacy.”

Source: Ray White Group

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