Celebrity Homes

Jacqueline Kennedy’s former Washington mansion hits the market

An 18th-century Washington mansion that once belonged to Jacqueline Kennedy has hit the market for US$26.5 million.

Located in the upscale Georgetown neighbourhood, the Federal-style Baker House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and has been combined with two other homes to create a massive, 1486sq m compound, according to TopTenRealEstateDeals.

Former First Lady of the United States, Jackie Kennedy purchased the home as her personal residence following the assassination of her husband, President John F. Kennedy. 

She only lived in the home, named Baker House, for a year before moving due to attention from the public and paparazzi.

The luxurious property today boasts 13 bedrooms, 13 full bathrooms, and five half bathrooms across the three homes. 

The former Kennedy home has been meticulously maintained, with original fireplaces, a grand entry hall, and a wood-panelled library. 

A recent renovation has created a showplace home with the highest-quality design, fixtures, and finishes. 

An elegant dining room with a gold-leaf ceiling, a gym, an executive office, and a spacious-modern kitchen are just a few of the home’s amenities.

The second floor is devoted to a spacious primary suite with parquet flooring, a spa-quality bath, and a private balcony with garden views. 

Four additional bedrooms feature ensuites, and a lofted observation deck offers stellar views of the property and surrounding city, including the Washington Monument. 

The other homes feature Italianate entertaining rooms, oak herringbone flooring, gourmet kitchens, and elegant mouldings throughout.

Georgetown is a highly sought-after neighbourhood known for its Federal homes, fine dining, and luxury hotels. 

The White House, the Capitol Building, and other famous DC landmarks are only a few miles away. 

The neighbourhood has long attracted notable residents, including Thomas Jefferson, Francis Scott Key, Elizabeth Taylor, Alexander Graham Bell, Jeff Bezos and Henry Kissinger.

Baker House has a rich history, having been the residence of Georgetown Mayor Thomas Beall, Secretary of War Newton D. Baker, and former Miss America Yolande Fox.

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