Celebrity Homes

Ashley Williams puts down roots after living in almost 30 Airbnbs

Actress and producer Ashley Williams, known for her work on The Hallmark Channel and for her role in How I Met Your Mother, has recently purchased a permanent home in Studio City, Los Angeles.

The home was purchased for just over $2 million and is currently undergoing an extensive renovation.

Williams has been chronicling the renovation on social media, giving her followers an inside look at the construction zone and revealing that her family has tucked “secret wishes and messages to their future selves” behind the walls, according to Dirt.com.

The property, which was built in the early 1970s, features a custom-built postmodern design and sits on a hillside parcel spanning almost two-thirds of an acre.

The two-storey house offers more than 223sq m of living space and includes four bedrooms and three baths.

A wide driveway leads up to the home, passing by a woodsy landscape before reaching a motor court and an attached two-car garage.

Inside, the main level features a staircase-clad foyer that leads to living and dining rooms, a breakfast nook, and an adjoining kitchen that will be completely redone and include a nifty appliance garage.

There’s also a bedroom that could double as an office space and a full bath on the bottom floor.

Upstairs, there’s a loft space and three bedrooms, including a master retreat with its own bath.

Although the outdoor work has yet to begin, the private backyard is surrounded by towering trees and once hosted a covered al fresco dining patio that has since been demolished.

However, there is a grassy lawn with ample room for the cold plunge bath that Williams has previously alluded to on Instagram.

Williams, who previously lived in around 29 Airbnbs during the pandemic, and her film producer husband Neal Dodson, have owned an Upper West Side apartment in New York that occupied the same floor where Yankees legend Babe Ruth once lived.

Dodson has produced and written several films, including Margin Call, All is Lost, and A Most Violent Year.

In addition to her acting career, Williams founded the Make Her Mark women’s directing initiative and continues to produce and direct films.

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