Celebrity Homes

Taylor Swift’s iconic Cornelia Street apartment: available for rent

Taylor Swift’s iconic Cornelia Street apartment in New York City has hit the rental market, giving fans a chance to experience the charm and luxury that inspired one of her beloved songs.

Priced at US$45,000 per month, the historic carriage house offers an array of features that make it a desirable living space, according to Love Property.

Nestled on Cornelia Street, this is the property that inspired Swift’s iconic 2019 song of the same name, which featured on her seventh studio album, Lover

Built in 1899, the property has undergone a recent makeover, seamlessly blending historical elements with modern aesthetics.

Spanning about 511sq m, the house boasts spacious living areas despite its modest 6.4m width.

The elegant living room opens onto a private terrace, providing a serene outdoor retreat.

The Cornelia St apartment Taylor Swift rented in NYC is back on the market. Picture: Corcoran

Inside, residents will find a contemporary kitchen equipped with modern appliances, making it a perfect space for culinary creations.

The house offers four bedrooms and five full bathrooms, with some bedrooms featuring private balconies.

These balconies were likely where Swift enjoyed her morning coffees or found inspiration for her music, strumming her guitar under the stars.

The Cornelia St apartment Taylor Swift rented in NYC is back on the market. Picture: Corcoran

One standout feature of the apartment is its indoor lap pool, offering residents a refreshing escape and an opportunity to maintain an active lifestyle.

On warmer days, the pool area can be seamlessly connected to the exterior patio, creating a seamless indoor-outdoor experience.

The highlight of the property is its rooftop terrace, showcasing breathtaking views of downtown Manhattan.

The Cornelia St apartment Taylor Swift rented in NYC is back on the market. Picture: Corcoran

With ample space for both living and entertainment areas, residents can relax, host gatherings, and enjoy the vibrant cityscape.

Swift herself rented this enchanting space in 2016 while her Tribeca townhouse was undergoing renovations.

It is rumoured that her reported ex-boyfriend, English actor Joe Alwyn, played a role in her time at the Cornelia Street apartment, adding a touch of romance to its history.

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