Celebrity Homes

Hugh Grant’s former Kensington penthouse takes a price cut

Hugh Grant’s former Kensington penthouse is back on the market with a new asking price of £7.25 million (AUD$13.9 million), a significant reduction from its original 2019 listing price of £10 million (AUD$19.2 million).

The property was temporarily taken off the market and rented out, reappearing in 2021 with a price tag just shy of £9 million (AUD$17 million).

The most recent listing shows another price cut, presumably in response to the current economic climate, according to the Evening Standard.

Hugh Grant, best known for his roles in iconic films like Four Weddings and a Funeral, reportedly moved into this luxurious penthouse after shooting Love Actually in 2002.

The actor sold the property nearly 20 years ago for £3.5 million (AUD$6.7 million) and has since purchased a £17.5 million (AUD$33.6 million) townhouse in Chelsea.

The property is located conveniently between the South Kensington and Gloucester Road Tube stations and offers direct lift access.

The penthouse provides scenic views towards the River Thames and Battersea Power Station.

Spanning 278sq m of internal space, the property also includes a rooftop sundeck and a hot tub.

The floor plans reveal three bedroom suites, a spacious reception room, a dining area, a kitchen, and a sunroom.

Most rooms on the seventh floor feature air conditioning and vaulted ceilings.

Charles Findlater, London sales manager at Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices, described the property as ideal for families or those who enjoy hosting guests.

“This exceptional property has so much to offer, from its storied past to the expansive living areas and significant outdoor space,” he said.

“With its own lift, the apartment offers privacy, which is one of the many reasons it appealed to actor Hugh Grant.”

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