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Harcourts helps to beat the blues with bids

Harcourts will take its Blue Friday charity auction day international in 2024, courtesy of the event’s amazing success on Friday, September 22.

Harcourts Australia Chief Executive Officer Adrian Knowles said in just 24 hours, 325 properties went under the auctioneer’s hammer across the country.

In total, more than $79.326 million of property sold on the day, with more than $80,000 raised for mental health support service Beyond Blue.

“It was a pretty amazing 24 hours,” Mr Knowles said.

“The market really showed up and we had very little, I think there were only about nine properties, total, that didn’t have bidding, which is really rare across that volume of stock.

“The energy around the bidding, specifically in Brisbane, but also in Victoria, was just amazing.

“Buyers are back and they’re not concerned about bidding at auction.”

Mr Knowles said the fact some proceeds went to Beyond Blue wasn’t a factor for buyers, but he said it definitely spurred vendors to list their properties.

“It certainly helped the sellers,” he said.

“It was just that additional push to come to market, and the reason we actually put this project together was to be able to bring more vendors’ properties to market prior to spring selling season, with the intention of having a low supply market and that same demand market.”

Among the standout auction sales were two properties on the Sunshine Coast.

The stunning, contemporary home at 88 Vise Rd, Buderim sold for $3 million, which was the highest sale on Blue Friday, while the tropical oasis at 28 Elliot Drive, Buderim, fetched $1.17 million. 

Harcourts Community Buderim Principal Jarrad McCarthy was delighted with all of the results.

“Those that didn’t sell under the hammer will likely sell within the next 48 hours,” he said.

88 Vise Rd, Buderim sold for $3 million as part of Harcourts Blue Friday. Photo:

Mr Knowles said Harcourts would hold Blue Friday again in 2024.

“We will be doing this again next year and it will be across the entire Harcourts International business,” he said.

“So we’re taking this international – New Zealand, South Africa, the US – we’re all going to be competing internally next year.

“The nature of the agent is they thrive in competition.”

Mr Knowles said Harcourts had selected Beyond Blue as this year’s charity to help those suffering from depression and anxiety.

“In our industry, we do have high case numbers of depression and anxiety,” he said. 

“And it’s an industry that has a really high churn rate as well. 

“I do believe that because of the power and size of Harcourts, we can make a difference.”

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Kylie Dulhunty

Former Elite Agent Editor Kylie Dulhunty is a freelance content producer for the Elite Agent audience, leveraging her extensive copywriting and real estate expertise.