Celebrity Homes

Richmond CEO lists historic Brighton home with New York flair

In the vibrant heart of Brighton’s north, a property that echoes the sophistication of a Manhattan dwelling is on the market.

This residence, belonging to Richmond Football Club’s Chief Executive, Brendon Gale, presents an intriguing blend of contemporary design and Edwardian charm.

Gale, whose career transitioned from playing for the Tigers between 1990 and 2001 to a legal practice at King Wood Mallesons, has significantly impacted Australian football, both as the AFL Players’ Association chief executive and later as the chief executive of Richmond.

The spotlight falls on a five-bedroom sanctuary located at 397 New St, Brighton, with public records revealing the property is in his wife’s name, according to realestate.com.au.

With price expectations set between $6 million and $6.6 million, this expansive home, acquired in October 2008 for $2.525 million, underwent a substantial renovation in May 2016, amounting to about $974,000.

Former Richmond player and current CEO, Brendan Gale, is selling his Brighton home. Photo: realestate.com.au

Stefan Whiting, Buxton Brighton’s director, praised the property’s generous layout and the renovation that infused it with a blend of ‘New York’ and ‘Melbourne laneway’ aesthetics, at the request of the owners.

The renovation, crafted by architect Ben Lempriere, not only enhanced the home’s functionality for a large family but also preserved its original character.

Unique features such as high vaulted ceilings, a period detail, and a pivoting door that transforms one room into two, underline the property’s uniqueness.

Former Richmond player and current CEO, Brendan Gale, is selling his Brighton home. Photo: realestate.com.au

Nestled on a 1288sq m block, the Edwardian home boasts exposed wooden beams, reclaimed brickwork, and bespoke details like a freestanding Belling cooker and a butler’s pantry in the kitchen.

The main bedroom suite features dual robes and an ensuite, complemented by three additional bedrooms upstairs, all with ample storage solutions.

The property’s exterior is just as impressive, with a gas-heated pool, a remote double garage, and a tessellated-tiled veranda.

Its proximity to prestigious private schools, Brighton Grammar and Firbank, enhances its appeal to families seeking the blend of luxury and location.

Expressions of interest draw to a close on Tuesday, 27 February.

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