Celebrity Homes

American Pie actor lists the home it took him seven years to build

Seann William Scott, renowned for his memorable performances in the American Pie series and Dude, Where’s My Car?, has put his Los Angeles residence on the market for US$4.97 million.

Scott, who moved from New York to Los Angeles in 2016, revealed a deep interest in architectural design through the sale of his Venice property.

He purchased the 478sq m lot in 2017 for US$2.2 million with the initial plan of a quick renovation and resale, according to the New York Post.

However, the project evolved into a seven-year endeavour that showcased his commitment to creating a unique living space.

The property features a blend of two distinct structures: a modernised bungalow and a three-storey glass and concrete building.

Scott’s renovation journey transformed the bungalow into a 120sq m space, featuring two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an open living/dining area that leads to a covered deck.

The larger building, extending over 306sq m offers three bedrooms and four bathrooms, all redesigned to foster a warm and inviting environment.

Scott, who married interior designer Olivia Scott during the renovation, emphasised preserving the original footprint while introducing new elements, such as accordion glass doors and a double-height entertaining space.

The kitchen has been updated with floating marble shelves and wood paneling, enhancing the property’s modern appeal.

Despite his attachment to the property and Venice, Scott expressed mixed feelings about the sale, questioning whether he is making the right decision.

The listing is managed by Graham Larson of Sotheby’s International Realty, presenting a rare opportunity for buyers to own a meticulously designed home by the actor-turned-designer.

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