Celebrity Homes

Freddie Mercury’s former London home hits the market

The former home of the legendary Freddie Mercury, Garden Lodge, has been placed on the market.

Nestled in the prestigious Kensington area of London, the property is listed at US$38 million.

Freddie Mercury, the iconic Queen frontman who passed away in 1991 from bronchial pneumonia at the age of 45, bequeathed the Neo-Georgian estate and all its contents to Mary Austin, his friend and one-time fiancée.

Austin, who has resided in and cared for the home over the past three decades, has decided to sell this cherished property, according to the Robb Report.

“This house has been the most glorious memory box, because it has such love and warmth in every room,” Ms Austin shared in a statement.

“It has been a joy to live in and I have many wonderful memories here.

“Now that it is empty, I’m transported back to the first time we viewed it.”

The residence, built in 1907 and later purchased by Mercury in 1980, showcases exquisite marble details, rich wooden floors, and vibrant jewel tones.

A standout feature is the dining room’s citrusy yellow walls, reflecting the singer’s preferred colour, alongside the double-height drawing room that housed the grand piano used to compose Bohemian Rhapsody.

Mercury’s influence also extends to the garden’s design, featuring magnolia trees and sculpted plantings.

Paddy Dring, from Knight Frank, highlighted the property’s unique appeal:

“The sale of Garden Lodge presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own a significant property combined with a piece of cultural history, the beloved home of an icon,” he told the Robb Report.

“Having been carefully preserved with love and respect over the last three decades, we expect that the exceptional provenance of the property will be incredibly alluring to buyers across the world.”

The sale follows a highly successful auction of Mercury’s personal items by Sotheby’s last year, which saw intense competition among bidders.

Potential buyers are advised to act swiftly to secure this piece of music history.

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