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Sydney mansion Rockleigh quietly for sale with price hopes of $100 million

Hot on the heels of the iconic Elizabeth Bay mansion Boomerang selling for about $80 million, another well-known Sydney mansion has reportedly hit the market.

This time it’s Rockleigh, which is being discreetly offered for sale, with price expectations of about $100 million, according to

Rockleigh, a property distinguished by its pale pink façade, occupies a prime 1284sq m site on coveted Wolseley Rd, Point Piper and is considered highly likely to be redeveloped.

The estate was acquired by Philip and Valmae Rundle in 1978 for $325,000 from Helen Pratten, following the death of her husband, printer Fredrick Pratten, in 1977.

Following Dr Rundle’s passing in 1991, the property was inherited by his widow, a passionate enthusiast of Egyptian archaeology, until her death in 2016.

Rockleigh has price expectations of $100 million.

Should Rockleigh sell for close to its asking price, it would surpass all Sydney property transactions over the past two years, including the $80 million sale of Boomerang, which has been identified as the most expensive sale of 2023, and the $76 million sale of the Bellevue Hill estate, Leura.

However, Scott Farquhar and Kim Jackson’s $130 million purchase of Uig Lodge in Point Piper in late-2022 remains the highest recorded sale.

Boomerang, built in 1926 and known for its heritage significance and complex history, was previously owned by the Albert family, notable for their philanthropic endeavours.

The estate’s sale follows a three-year marketing period, marking a new chapter in Sydney’s high-end real estate market.

Additionally, in a less extravagant but still noteworthy move, Stephen Leibowitz, co-founder of Retail Apparel Group, and his wife Pam have listed their Point Piper home, Vaynol, with hopes of achieving $65 million.

This follows their purchase of the property in 2004 for $12 million, showcasing the continuous allure and exclusive transactions within Australia’s wealthiest postcode.

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