Feature Interview: Alexander Phillips with Claudio Encina

‪#‎AREC2016‬ on the couch…. Our ‪#‎askthecoach‬ regular Claudio Encina talks to top agent Alexander Phillips about how he has grown his business over the last 14 years.


Claudio: Here we are at AREC 2016 and we’re talking to the #1 agent in Australia who’s literally just walked off the stage. I’d like to welcome Alexander Phillips.

Alexander: Thanks Claudio thanks for having me, mate. Good to see you.

Claudio: Good to see you too, buddy. I’ve known you for a long time . I remember when I joined McGrath back in ’02, I think it was.

Alexander: Yeah. I think we joined the same year.

Claudio: And nothing has changed. You were on the phones then. Basically cold calling in those days, literally punching at 50, 60, 100 calls and you’re still doing 100 calls

Alexander: I think it’s just wired into me now. Once you’ve done it and you enjoy it, and you know you’re offering someone a service, yeah, it’s great.

Claudio: You don’t have any hesitation about picking up the phone, right?

Alexander: No. I’ve got not hesitation. Not at all.

Claudio: You just gave out your Keynote presentation, which by the way was superb.

Alexander: Thank you. Thank you.

Claudio: Some great take-aways, but if there was one take-away you wanted the audience to take from your presentation, what would that be?

Alexander: It’s about really building great relationships, good referral network, I think everyone says the same thing, but it’s true. That’s what it is. It’s been always building and maintaining relationships.

Claudio: You actually said that. You said, “When I speak to someone, it’s for about a minute ten. I’ve built those relationships. I’ve got rapport. I need to build rapport. I’ve known them for fourteen years.”

Alexander: Yeah. I don’t even need to really say my surname. They know.

Claudio: They know who you are.

Alexander: It’s giving the market updates and forecasts and clearance rates. It’s some information they can actually take home with them. Like hopefully we did today for everyone in the crowd.

Claudio: Absolutely. Alex, the world of real estate is changing.

Alexander: Big time, yeah.

Claudio: Where do you see real estate in the next five years?

Alexander: I think with real estate agents, they’re getting younger, fitter and faster. You’ve got to keep with that. You as a person, it becomes how you actually are with your health, I think. People are working smarter too and these days with technology, all the new apps, it’s just evolving. If you don’t move with it, you’re going to be left on the wayside. You’ve got to evolve.

Claudio: When your real estate career is over, what would you like people to remember you by?

Alexander: That’s a really good question. I think that although we were at the top of the game, we remain humble and we didn’t get ahead of ourselves and we’re still really approachable, real people. That’s what I like.

Claudio: Alex Phillips, thanks for joining us today.

Alexander: Thank you very much.

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