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VitrineMedia Continues To Lead In Shopfront Innovation

VitrineMedia, a world leader in LED display technology dedicated to window solutions, has now brought even more light with less energy output to the real estate industry.

In the last 12 months they have designed several new LED display panels to add to their collection to make the real estate shopfront really stand out.

Speaking at AREC 2016, Global CTO Benjamin Champagne said, “This year we have been proud to showcase our new products which have been developed and refined over the past 12 months. We have new wall mounted products that take care of the interior space as well as the traditional window displays which can really lift the office.”

Australian Managing Director Mike Toweel said, “The thing that absolutely blows people away when they look at it, is the simplicity of use. It’s all print media, so it’s transparency film that you print on with a laserjet or inkjet printer at your own office.”

With dual illumination VitrineMedia displays are the brightest and slimmest in the market, claiming twice the brightness, yet only half the power consumption.

“We’ve got some really innovative products now in interior visual marketing,” continued Toweel, “The new banners are brighter and we’ve gone up twenty per cent on where we were this time last year. We’ve got more efficient fittings, more efficient rails. You actually get a reduction in power consumption. So the solution is not only beautiful, but environmentally friendly as well.”

And the environment is an area where VitrineMedia intends to maintain their leadership position in innovation. “As always the common point for everything is modularity,” says Champagne.

“Ninety-eight per cent of the product can be recycled. It’s very important for us on the production side and we are launching a new department at VitrineMedia, to continue to develop our techniques.”

“There’s a lot of things happening overseas, new and exciting things,” continues Toweel. “It’s hard to believe that it also gets better than this, so I guess just watch the space!”

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