NSW Real Estate NewsReal Estate News

Agencies combine expertise to deliver hot property purchase tips in a weekly write-up

Two of the Inner West’s property agents, have teamed up to share their knowledge on the do’s and don’ts of buying a property in Sydney through a weekly write-up at the Inner West Times owned by independent publisher Torch Publishing.

Co-authors, Maria Hodgson of Day & Hodgson Real Estate and buyers agent Amanda Gould of HighSpec Properties articles provides expert advice on how to buy a property in the Inner West in Sydney through its weekly write-up called Property Buzz which appears every Wednesday on the print and the online version of the newspaper’s property section.

Their weekly articles focus on what is happening in the market on a local level, highlighting trends like an influx of buyers from the Eastern suburbs moving to the inner west for affordability, styling tips, renovation and so much more.

“We take turns to write these articles out since November 9, one week it would be me, the next her, but we always run the article past each other,” Gould told Elite Agent.

“Perhaps, more importantly, we both realised the value in our respective roles; I represent the buyer, and she represents the vendor.

“One of the most important aspects to understand when dealing with an agent to agent relationship is that we both have to have a win for each of our clients.

Buyers Agent Amanda Gould and Maria Hodgson of Day & Hodgson Real Estate.

“Another interesting aspect of our respective businesses is that in the years we have both been in business, we have grown our database of developers that are interested in local projects. In fact, due to high demand, we are currently working on putting together a 5000 square meter development site in the Inner West,” she said.

Meanwhile, Hodgson added: “We love having the interaction with our readers and have set up an email account that readers can send in their questions and have had overwhelming responses and feedback.”

To view Gould and Hodgson past write-ups log on to www.localnewsplus.com.au


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June Ramli

June Ramli was a in-house journalist for Elite Agent Magazine.