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What will property management look like in 2030?

Change is happening at a rapid rate and now more than ever is the time for business owners and property management departments to become aware, educated and in the know of these changes, innovations and disruptions that are taking place or you could be left behind with an outdated business, while your competitors are moving ahead.

The reality is… no one really knows what property management will look like in 2030, but if you want to find out the latest cutting edge technologies, best industry practices and service providers, you are invited to attend the PPM National Property Management Conference held on the Gold Coast in June.

The PPM Group (founders of the conference and celebrating their 15 year anniversary) have brought together an epic line-up of the best of the best within the property management industry to share their knowledge, passion and experience.

Debbie Palmer, Managing Director of the PPM Group said, “By far this is one of our standout speaker line-ups. It is just amazing the calibre of talent that will be presenting at the one event.”

Amanda Gore [International Motivational Speaker], Amy Sanderson [LJ Hooker Corporate], Brennan Hill [Ray White Expert Business Operator on the future of property management], Cushla Symons [RE/Max Regency award winning agency], Darren Hunter [], Deniz Yusif [], Fiona Blayney [Real+], Jodie Stainton [Apmasphere and property management guru], Kathy Brown [Harcourts Corporate], Katie Knight [RE/Max Success and one of the best in business], Malcom Riley [International PM speaker and entertainer], Rosalie Douglas and Trish Rogers [Real Mastery Consulting and property management experts], Steven Marinuci [Macquarie Bank] and many more expert panelists will be taking to the stage.

These speakers will be sharing the day-to-day practices on how to improve your teams productivity, profits and performance; what business owners need to know about managing a rent roll to avoid the asset value from falling below industry standards; growth strategies that really work, which are simpler than you think to implement; why the old traditional property management structure won’t work in years to come and the cutting edge technologies of tomorrow that are being implemented by leading agents today.

“This conference has been especially designed for those agents and property management team members who want to be cutting edge. The event will start with a wow speaker (who you will remember for many years to come) and you will continue to be impressed session after session”, said Debbie.

Click here to find out more or email [email protected] for a full colour brochure

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