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Discipline, Patience and Process: Meet Ercan Ersan

Ray White Erskineville | Surry Hills | Alexandria director Ercan Ersan thought he’d made the worst decision of his life moving agencies three years ago.

But in fact it turned out he had made the best move yet.

The likeable 37 year old, who moved to property giant Ray White in 2014 from a small boutique agency group, said agents need to be the best version of themselves.

He made the decision to go to Ray White with his friend and fellow director Shaun Stoker very quickly and admits he was stressed and remorseful at first.

“I had sleepness nights and I was crying but I was out of my comfort zone. My old agency was quite progressive and good at marketing and the change to a franchise was new ground for me. However, I quickly adapted to my new family and brought with me some great ideas around marketing” Mr Ersan said.

“It was overwhelming and daunting but I had my wife Angie’s full support and she told me to get on the phones and prospect like a machine.

“So I did. I had a desk, a computer and my phone. I was hungry and I hit the phones hard.

“I more than doubled my income in the first year at Ray White. I’ve since doubled it again.

“It’s very easy for people to make excuses and people blame everything around them.

“The fact is, you can excel anywhere at any agency group but since joining Ray White the sheer weight of corporate support has allowed me to prospect and list all the time. Ray White gives me more time to be dollar productive.

“There’s a lot of agents who are busy being busy. A Ray White training session can add one per cent to your business.

Ray White’s corporate offices have a lot of specialists in the areas of property management, recruitment. marketing, training, technology, events, media, concierge and accounting.

Mr Ersan said his parents, originally from Turkey, both worked two jobs while he was growing up.

“We didn’t have holidays or fancy things. It was a simple life and we definitely learned the value of money,” he said.

Mr Ersan’s approach has three key components – discipline, patience and process.

His team meets at 8:30am daily for a review and planning session and 9am-11:30am is blocked out for call backs and prospecting with all appointments occurring in the afternoon/evening.

His clients say he’s a good communicator and results driven, but always with integrity.

“My memory is something that really works in my favour. I can easily recall details of clients, properties and sales, even from years ago. That helps build trust quickly.”

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