BROCK FISHER National Manager, Operational Excellence, Little Real Estate
My top goal in 2018 will be continuing to create the world’s best culture. For us, this is more important than anything. We’ve got some ambitious plans that we want to achieve, doing things that have never been done before, so we know we need a super-engaged, agile and customer-centric team for us to do it all. My tip for 2018: Focus on the important things, and not just the urgent things.

SANDRA LARKIN Business Coach And Mentor
My goal is to grow my mentoring business by awakening the lives of more people to lead a life of purpose, freedom and fulfilment.

Growing our existing team of talent at Jemmeson & Fisher. We have done a lot of work on our culture this year, and we are looking forward to the top talent wanting to be part of the ‘Jemfish’ team in 2018. Most of our clients are real estate agents; it is paramount that our team understand the real estate industry through educating themselves. Attracting and keeping the right mix of people at our firm is very important. We work hard, but we also have a lot of fun.

For me it’s exploring growth opportunities via acquisition as well as the healthy organic growth we continue to experience (we are on track to list 200 new managements again this calendar year, which will make it 200-plus per year four years in a row). We have reached the point in our business where growth equals profit; we are set up and highly systemised, our fixed costs will remain steady, so the only real expense associated with growth is labour related. The rest goes straight to our bottom line.
We are in a regional market so growth opportunities by way of acquisition are limited, so while I wait for the right opportunity to come along, I will continue to implement our organic growth plans which are very structured, high touch and low tech.

The business-selling market is challenging, so the 2018 goal will be appeasing nervous buyers, unsure sellers and getting more deals over the line. My goal is to embrace the technological changes that are available to connect buyers and sellers to transact – and to see Richmond winning back-to-back flags in the AFL!

My main area of focus is to continue our business growth and expand on our innovativeness when it comes to the service levels of both our tenants and landlords. As our industry moves into the automated world of technology, we see the need to adapt this change into our business, in order to provide a streamlined level of service that our clients need and want and to continue to be the innovative agency, who isn’t afraid to step outside the box.
On my to-do list: Continue to read, research, trial and error. It takes time for new items or systems to be implemented into a business. Maintaining and continuing our business growth will be about providing the consistent level of service we have maintained over the last 12 months, being the personalised agency who are there to influence, nurture and create a relationship of being more than just a business transaction.

My main area of focus in 2018 will be customer and business growth. We measure our success on our customers’ success – feedback that we are making a difference is celebrated and helps us plan our internal growth initiatives.

We have an expansion goal for 2018 for our recruitment sector; planning on entering two additional states of Australia. I actually need one more staff member to assist in the transition and possible growth opportunity. (Anyone up for it!?)

Ensuring I’m using the latest technology available and not being afraid to have a go. I feel this will not only enhance my business and how I interact with my clients, it will also allow me to connect with more people.

Having recently reset our strategic direction and plan, I will be focusing on improving our education to our staff; people need to understand how their roles connect to the business and clients. Plus I love working with people!

I want us to grow by 150 properties in 2018 and be the first point of call in property management for Oxley. I believe that if you’re going to do something, there’s no point unless you’re going to do it exceptionally well – number two won’t do!

I have two main focus areas for 2018. Following the recent event ‘How to Lead a Winning Team’, I realised that I need to spend more time mentoring my team rather than doing the hard tasks for them. The second focus is on the business itself, maintaining consistency in the delivery of our service promise and also how we can add that extra one per cent to every single process and each communication touch point. We understand that our growth is highly dependent on referral so we must continue to delight our existing clients and customers.