Elite AgentProfile

Agent Profile: Sam Bevan

Drawn into real estate by chance, Sam Bevan is now making her mark. Having started out on reception, single mum Sam gradually made her way up the ranks and is now a property consultant with Abel McGrath Claremont in Perth, WA. After just 18 months in sales Sam has written about $220K in GCI, and says that everything she has overcome on the way inspires her to aim higher.

How many years have you been in real estate?
I started on reception 23 years ago, straight out of Uni, and progressed into property management, where I stayed for 20 years before moving into sales. I would have gone into sales sooner but I was a single mum for many years, and the gamble to give up a steady income was too much at the time. A friend who worked as a property manager offered me a job on reception to tide me over.

The ‘short stint’ turned into a 21-year career in property management! After I’d achieved everything I could in that field I jumped over to sales about two years ago, firstly as sales administrator at Abel McGrath and then I moved into selling. It was a natural progression for me, and I’m thankful every day that they allowed me the opportunity.

What is the market like in your area at the moment?
I moved into sales at a time when the market in Perth is in a huge slump.

I tell you, if you can survive in this market you will thrive when it improves.

Perth went through a massive boom a few years ago and has recently undergone a big correction. We started going backwards in 2012-2013. Values in Wembley went up marginally by about four per cent in 2013 and since then we have gone backwards by about 10 per cent. Compared to many suburbs in Perth, that’s actually a good result. Average selling days is around 70. If you have no choice but to sell right now, you’re probably hurting.

Who or what inspires you?
Actually, I do! I spent many years doing whatever I had to do to put food on the table and pay my bills. Now that I’ve taken control of my career, I can honestly say I do what I do for the incredible feeling of achievement I get. If you focus on helping others, you’ll be amazed at how that will serve your soul.

There is a rep who works in my office, Michelle Kerr. In a very short period of time she has become a massive success, and has been recognised on a state and national level, yet I never hear her brag. She has incredible generosity towards others and teaches me every day that just doing the best you can by serving others is its own reward.

In your ‘briefcase’ right now is…
Mini tripod and lapel mic for taking quick videos on the road (videos for social media have become a big part of my marketing strategy). Mini Cherry Ripes for open homes; about six pens, of which I will lose all but one by the end of the day; phone charger; Coco by Chanel (a girl’s gotta smell good) and my AREC 2017 notebook, which I reflect on constantly.

Something you couldn’t live without?
My iPhone. On the last day of AREC this year my iPhone completely died. I had no idea until that moment that my entire life is inside my phone. I had no contacts, no emails, my plane e-tickets were saved on the phone… I had to go to the Qantas counter [at the airport] and say “My name is Sam Bevan, I have a flight today but I have no idea what time and I have no ticket”.

What do you enjoy most about Elite Agent Magazine?
I used to read the mag when I was a PM, and now I can just flip it over and keep reading about sales. It’s genius! There are too many sales reps who know nothing about PM and too many PMs who know too little about sales, so now there’s no excuse. The information is right there!

Words to live by?
‘Don’t compare your Chapter 1 to someone else’s Chapter 7’ and ‘We’re all on our own timelines and our own journeys’. If you’re putting in your 100 per cent it will be different to the next guy’s 100 per cent. It’s ok. Make your own way.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in real estate?
Don’t lie to yourself. If you pretend you’re putting in the work but you’re lying to yourself about the real effort you’re making, it will hurt no one but you. Don’t want to make the phone calls or knock on the doors? Then don’t be surprised when you don’t get the results that someone else is getting. Your results will speak for themselves.

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