AREC2018 EA StudioElite Agent TV

AREC 2018 Feature Interview: Alexander Phillips and Pru Kelly

In our latest feature interview from the AREC2018 Elite Agent Studio, Claudio Encina talks to Alexander Phillips and Pru Kelly about the set up of their EBU, who does what and Alex and Claudio role play a client 'touch base' call.


00:46 Why Alex believes continuous learning is key/what pushes him to grow
1:13 The constant state of growth and the roles that Pru and Alex play within that
2:14 Play to your strengths, get other people to do things you are not good at
3:35 Alex makes roughly 900 calls per week with support by the team
3:56 Alex and Claudio roleplay a pipeline call
4:42 Alex’s billion dollar goal for 2019.

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