AREC2017 EA StudioElite AgentElite Agent TVFEATURE INTERVIEWS

Feature Interview: Andrew Cocks with Samantha McLean

In our latest feature interview from the AREC2017 Elite Agent Studio, Samantha McLean talks to Andrew Cocks about his takeaways from AREC 2017, and how he will implement them for the Richardson & Wrench franchise.


Samantha McLean: Hi, everyone. Back at stand 18 in the expo for AREC 2017 and my guest is Andrew Cocks, who is the managing director of Richardson & Wrench, one of the bigger franchises in New South Wales. Welcome, Andrew.

Andrew Cocks: Thank you very much.

Samantha: Who, so far, do you think has been your favourite presentation?

Andrew: Nigel’s always a fantastic presenter because he’s talking about some really innovative things that are going on and I think that’s been the stand out for me. I’m a bit of a geek by nature, so from my perspective, it’s always good to understand some of the things that are really going on.

Samantha: We’ve had quite a few agent speakers today. Arabella Hooper and people like that. What are some of the things that have really resonated there?

Andrew: I think Arabella’s a remarkable person. She’s been so successful and done some remarkable things and I think the way that she talked about her journey and the way she does things was really impressive.

Samantha: And what about around the expo? Has anything that you’ve seen sort of really caught the eye?

Andrew: You really get a good snapshot of where things are going in terms of technology options, I mean, technology is easy to produce, but the challenging thing that I see is that once you maybe be able to produce a great little gadget or a widget, it’s how you can then apply that in your business.

That’s the really critical thing that you as an agent and you as a business operator have to think about. We don’t always see those solutions being offered. It’s all about providing a product. But this year, there’s some quite clever and quite innovative things that some of the people are doing.

Samantha: What are some of the things that you’ll take back to some of your franchises?

Andrew: What I really focus on is how I can help our network to really focus on being a business rather than as having a glorified job. That’s something that a lot of people in the industry have to really think about. In a world where the way we operate and the environment in which we operate is changing so rapidly, how do you actually sustain what you do as business rather than as a job?

That’s a challenging issue, but it’s all really about making sure you can add value to your clients with a whole lot of different layers. But also then get your business operating in a way so that you actually don’t have to be there all the time to make the wheels turn.

Samantha: Yeah. I think that’s something that we all absolutely aspire to, so some good advice there. Thank you very much.

Andrew: My absolute pleasure.

Samantha: Pleasure having you here.

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