How a SWOT analysis will help your results improve immediately

Coach Claudio Encina tackles this weeks reader question on how to reset and be ready for 2019

Q.  Last year was very challenging – what can I  do to reset for 2019?

–  Jonathan Warren, Independent Property Group Canberra


The new year allows you the chance to do three key things in your business which I call the 3R Principle.


Take the time to review every part of your business by understanding where your results came from in 2018. By reviewing this you will begin to identify the opportunities for 2019.

Then do a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) to learn more about your business. What major lessons did you learn in 2018? The answers will help you map out a plan for 2019.


Sometimes real estate feels like it takes and takes, so use the next few weeks to recharge the batteries for 2019. Get energised to take on the new year ahead by planning three mini-breaks in your diary.

This will help you move to a completely new level and be more engaged in your work and clients.


Do you have a plan to avoid last year’s mistakes? What are the short and long-term goals for your business in 2019? Make this the year where you focus on the right areas rather than areas that drain and dilute your attention and energy.

Plan 2019 completely by design with ideas, actions, outcomes and results. Here are some tips to get you refocused today:

    • Organise – Get on the phone and set up appointments as quickly as possible for next year so you can keep momentum in your business. Prioritise a list of potential people you can contact.
    • Change – Take a look at the systems and processes currently in your business. Are they the right ones? Do any need updating? Are they helping you close business? Make this year the year you change things that aren’t working!
    • Plan –  Have a plan for every part of your business, from writing your 2019 Business Plan goals to breaking down how you’re going to generate leads in your core market. This is not the year to ‘wing it’ but have a carefully drafted plan to be in complete control.
    • Learn – What skills would make you a better salesperson this year? The beginning of the year is a great time to evaluate your skill set and figure out how you can improve in the next 12 months. Skills played a large part in agents succeeding in 2018 vs. agents who failed.

Establish your goals and develop a system of accountability that will keep you on track in 2019. By learning from what you know and mapping your year ahead you can ensure you succeed at the highest level and have your best year ever in real estate!

To have your question answered email [email protected]. To connect with Claudio visit

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Claudio Encina

Claudio Encina works directly with some of the leading agents and sales teams in Australia to identify how to deliver optimum performance. For more information visit