Ask the Coach: How to increase listing conversion

Coach Claudio Encina answers a query about increasing your list conversion?

Q. How can I increase my listing conversion? – Henry Burgoyne, Capital One Real Estate

When your potential seller hires you, what are they actually buying? Ultimately, in this market, they are buying certainty.

In a market where they are seeing heaps of uncertainty and negativity, every human needs to feel some level of certainty. So how can you demonstrate certainty in a falling market?

If you ever wonder why you didn’t get the listing, it’s usually because the prospect doesn’t feel certain about you or your strategy.

Certainty is a combination of clarity and confidence. Clarity is how you will take them on this journey and confidence is that you can actually get them their price.

If you ever wonder why you didn’t get the listing, it’s usually because the prospect doesn’t feel certain about you or your strategy.

You need to establish this certainty right at the very start of the listing appointment, not at the end of your presentation.

Most of your listing appointments will be with people who have no idea how the presentation will actually go.

All they know is that they want to sell and have someone who can get them the highest sale price, in the least amount of time, with the least amount of hassle. Simple, right?

But, in the back of their mind, there’s some hesitation. There is a fear about what you are going to pitch to them, how much your commission is and whether they can trust and feel comfortable with you to get the result they’re looking for.

First, you need to lay out an agenda so they know exactly how the meeting will go.

Once they know what the next hour of their lives will look like, they can relax and trust the process.

Once they understand the process and, more importantly, your degrees of separation or points of value – why they should hire you – they will lower their defences, because they know you’re taking them where they want to go.

The second thing you need to do to lower their resistance is to give them control instead of taking it from them.

Once they feel like they have control, they’ll feel the need to exert that control and they’ll happily list with you.Lay the foundation and give them control!

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Claudio Encina

Claudio Encina works directly with some of the leading agents and sales teams in Australia to identify how to deliver optimum performance. For more information visit