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Ask the Coach: How to set priorities to maximise your time and accomplish more

Ready to help with no question too big or too small is our expert property management coach from Real+, Heidi Walkinshaw.

Q. I can never seem to find enough hours in my day and my workload just seems to be increasing with the demands of my clients. How do I find more time?

One of the first things to remember is that we all have the same number of hours in the day. It’s what we plan for and set about to accomplish that can make the difference in how much we get done.

A great activity to begin with is to carry out a time log. This can be done in an Excel sheet, or there are some great apps out there now that can help bring awareness into what is disappearing into that time black hole.

Once you have figured out where that time is going, you can identify what is draining the most of your hours and put a plan in place to remove any potential roadblocks.

Some things you can try is to have non-negotiable planning time first thing in the morning to map your day and then again in the afternoon to check off your to-do list. You might also like to try some blockout time to get on top of the backlog of work.

Prioritise your work so that you are dealing with the toughest tasks first and getting those frogs out of the way for the day, to reduce your stress levels.

Above all, if you are feeling those walls closing in, take a few minutes to step away from your desk. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, grab a coffee and reset so that you can stay on top and in control.

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Heidi Walkinshaw

Heidi Walkinshaw has been immersed in property management for over 14 years, dealing in all aspects from leasing, property management, business development and team management. For more info visit realplus.com.au.