AuctionWORKS brings the hammer down on 60,000 auctions

Leading auctioneers, AuctionWORKS has officially brought the hammer down on more than 60,000 auctions and in excess of $40 billion in unconditional sales after 26 years in business.

The milestone makes the independent company one of the most experienced in the industry as they continue to expand and focus on new ways to better serve their clients.

AuctionWORKS Director and Chief Auctioneer, Jesse Davidson said notching up more than 60,000 auctions highlights just how much skill and expertise the team has developed over the years.

โ€œThese numbers translate into real experience โ€“ and itโ€™s this experience that perfectly positions the AuctionWORKS team to achieve outstanding auction results for you and your vendors on auction day,โ€ Mr Davidson said.

Mr Davidson initially joined AuctionWORKS straight out of university, before eventually taking over the company in 2018 from founder and auctioneering legend David Scholes, who established the business in 1997.

Since that point, he has continued to grow the company to where it is today, with a team of eight highly experienced staff, including Mr Scholes, who is still a part of the business.

โ€œJake Downs and Karen Harvey have been with me now for seven years, Lorenzo Giunti has been with me for 12 years, Mark Morrisonโ€™s been with us for about eight years and David Scholes has been there for 35 years, so it gives you a bit of an indication that across the board, my team has been with us for a long time and they don’t need a lot of hand-holding,โ€ Mr Davidson said.

Having that real-world experience and knowledge on how to handle the varied scenarios that come up on auction day is something that Mr Davidson and his team pride themselves on.

He also pointed out that having a large team offered the security that their auctions always go ahead on the day and they can spend more time before and after to help get the best result they can for the client.

Prior to starting his career as an auctioneer, Mr Davidson said he would travel around Sydney and watch thousands of auctions to gain that early experience.

โ€œI watched probably 3000 auctions before I ever called an auction,โ€ he said.

โ€œI literally just lived and breathed it for the space of about 12 or 14 months.

โ€œI went to every single auction I could go to in Sydney.โ€

Mr Davidson said the time that heโ€™s put into honing his craft is something that helps vendors achieve the best results.

โ€œOne of the big things about an auction is that you can’t lose control,โ€ he said.

โ€œYou have to have control of a situation. 

โ€œAnd by watching so many auctions before starting my career, I think that just gave me a massive understanding of how it worked.โ€

Mr Davidson said while many auctions appeared simple, it was critical to understand the skills involved and the track record of who youโ€™re getting to auction a property.

โ€œLots of auctions are straightforward, but there are also those that are not,โ€ he said.

โ€œThe AuctionWORKS team conduct more than 3000 residential and commercial auctions each year โ€“ and this means weโ€™ve pretty much seen it all. 

โ€œWhatever gets thrown up during the course of an auction, weโ€™re equipped to deal with it.โ€

The need for experience on auction day is more important than ever in the current market Mr Davidson said, with buyers still remaining uncertain.

โ€œI’ve never in my career seen a market that requires more social proof than this one,โ€ he explains.

โ€œBy that I mean I’ll ask for an opening bid at $1.2 million and nobody’s bidding.

โ€œThen suddenly the bidding’s at $1.45 million and there’s five people bidding.

โ€œWhile it makes no sense, they just want to know that somebody else thinks it’s worth what they think it’s worth.

โ€œAnd that’s what auction does better than anything, because with private treaty, it’s all behind closed doors and you’re just hoping that your agentโ€™s being reasonable and honest with you.

โ€œAnd thatโ€™s sometimes the risk that buyers donโ€™t like taking.โ€

For more information, contact AuctionWORKS today.

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