2016: The Time of Your Life
2016 can be the biggest year of your business if you want it to be: the year that you finally draw a line in the sand and get it done. The year you stopped all the BS and excuses, all the procrastinating and blaming, all the anxiety, worry and fear of failure and finally tapped into the potential you know…
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Transform 2016 Coach
Becoming mindfit with Jet Xavier
Thank you our Week 5 sponsor: Agentbox provided our Super Six with access to their software for the Transform period and also provided some training to them. See the Agentbox training session here Coaches: Mindset coach Jet Xavier and Charmaine Keegan from Smarter Selling Coaching Links: See all articles written by Jet on Elite Agent here For more information about Jet, Click here Video…
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Your Personal Revolution
Jet Xavier explains how a personal revolution can be the catalyst that’s really needed to bring about lasting success. I HAVE MANY agents and principals around Australia coming to me who are realising the way they have done things in the past will not work in the future, and that who they are now will not be enough for who…
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Chasing the Dream
Richard Branson has a dream to take people on flights into space. Martin Luther King had a dream that all would be treated equally. Man had a dream of landing on the moon. Walt Disney, Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama: the list goes on. What’s your dream? FOR CENTURIES people have dreamt many things. The fact is that only a…
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Smashing The Mental Barriers
ASK ANY ATHLETE, NEAR-DEATH survivor, Everest summiteer, or even a successful real estate agent what is, the key to their success. Why were they able to withstand and push through the challenges and obstacles that defeated others? They will tell you that having the mental toughness to overcome obstacles was the key. Having the skill set to be a great…
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3 keys to SUPERIOR consistency for real estate agents
Jet Xavier looks at three keys to becoming more consistent as an agent, in order to achieve the success you deserve. “In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” Anthony Robbins Consistency…
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Elite Agent
The Elite Performance Formula
If you think that ‘elite performance’ in the real estate industry means making millions and working more than 100 hours per week, think again. Jet Xavier examines the ways in which you need to make your mind, body and soul the best they can be to perform at the level of success that is best for you as an individual.…
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Elite Agent
Stop Procrastinating!
Our Mindset Coach Jet Xavier says that it’s time to stop putting off the tough tasks – identifying what type of procrastinator you are and why it happens is the first step to finding a solution. What is Procrastination? Procrastination is putting off something we need to do now until a later time. It is avoiding a task that we…
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How do Their Minds Work?
This issue Jet Xavier looks at the mindsets of some of the top real estate agents in Australia. I have interviewed some of Australia’s best agents, and in this article I am going to show you five of the key mindsets to their success. EFFICIENCY Top agents have a ‘Formula 1’ racing car mindset. Every detail in their business is…
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Feed Your Mind
Mindset coach Jet Xavier talks about the FEED method to re-wiring your brain for success in your career, and why optimism is the new performance tool. Having been a mindset coach for a number of years now in the real estate industry, I am still perplexed by the number of agents who do not address the biggest limiting factor to…
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Mindset for Success
Welcome Jet Xavier, our new mindset columnist. Each issue, Jet will be looking at various aspects of mindset and its application to your success in the Real Estate industry. What is Mindset? Mindset is “a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations”, or simply “thinking that determines your behaviour and outcomes”. As…
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Adopt a winning mindset in 2012
According to mindset coach Jet Xavier, with a brand new year ahead, real estate sales agents all over Australia will be making a ton of New Years resolutions and looking for the latest marketing tricks, technological gadgets, and anything that can give them the edge. But only a small percentage will achieve their goals. The solution, he says, a shift…
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