Julie Davis & Neil Williams

Julie Davis is recognized as being one of the country’s top female Real Estate coaches. Qualified coach, trainer, licensed real estate agent and workplace assessor, Neil Williams is highly regarded for his solution orientated thinking, innovative sales strategies and his impressive leadership skills.

    Breaking the Recruitment Cycle: Julie Davis & Neil Williams

    One of the questions we hear most often from the folk we work with is, ‘I’m looking for more salespeople or another property manager. Do you know anyone?’ It is the eternal issue faced by a lot of business owners, with real estate right up there with hospitality when it comes to team turnover. So why is it so difficult…

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  • Elite Agent

    Winning the Coin Toss

    WE HAVE ALL EXPERIENCED at some time in our careers those dreaded words from a prospective seller: ‘It was a toss of the coin whom we would select and this time you lost; we went with ABC Real Estate’. Although you might think you are the unluckiest agent in town at times, there may be a deeper reason. At one…

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  • Elite Agent

    The Culture Club

    The most important element to an agency’s long-term growth and success is the culture that exists within the business. Vendors and landlords have a sense for it. They may have difficulty describing it, but it is often the deciding factor when it comes to winning a close-fought listing presentation. Every great office has a great culture, which over time becomes…

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  • Elite Agent

    Let Go To Grow: Julie Davis and Neil Williams

    One of the most commonly heard terms in this industry is ‘taking your business to the next level’. To some, this may mean opening another office or buying another rent roll. To others, it may be putting on a business development manager, a PA or investing in technology or equipment. But you need to make sure you are making the right…

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  • Elite Agentprospecting methods play to your strengths

    Play To Your Strengths

    Since the first offer was made on the first ‘two-bedroom cave with solid fuel cooking and views to die for’, there has been a perception that you have to be a particular type of person to be a successful real estate agent. But all salespeople are not the same and what works for one may not work for another. And…

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  • Elite Agent

    Would You Hire a Chef Without Tasting Their Food?

    THE MOST IMPORTANT element of a real estate agent’s business is without doubt their ability to list a property. If we all recognise the importance of a professional and competent listing presentation, why do we totally ignore this when we recruit or head-hunt experienced agents? When was the last time you asked a prospective team member to do a role…

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  • Elite Agent

    Bridging the Leadership Skills Gap

    THE PATH FROM salesperson to leader is often one huge leap with no middle management experience in between. Julie Davis and Neil Williams reveal how to overcome this gap and become a leader worth following. THE QUESTION of good leadership becomes more vexed in real estate because, more often than not, in our industry a career path is often salesperson…

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  • Elite AgentJulie and Neil

    Love me tender: An alternative to auction

    Julie Davis and Neil Williams discuss the advantages for sale by tender. I first started selling residential property by Tender back in 2002 as a result of continually being rolled by the competition. Our major competitor at the time was the premier office of one of the country’s biggest franchises and they were smashing us almost each and every time we…

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