Mark Engelmann

Mark Engelmann is co-founder and Chief of Content at Beepo. He has helped hundreds of companies successfully imple-ment an outsourcing strategy in their business.
  • EPM: HR and Recruitment

    How to overcome wage woes in the modern agency

    What is stopping your agency from achieving growth, and not just surviving but thriving in the current market? Most people would say it’s cash. Whether it’s growing your people through training and development, growing your market though lead generation and business development, or growing up operationally by investing in new technology, it all takes time and costs money. So the…

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  • BEST PRACTICEdata mining real estate

    5 Crucial elements for an effective multi-geographic team: Mark Engelmann

    The experts seem to agree that decentralised businesses are highly efficient. Nicholas Bloom, from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, says they are more recession-proof; and former Johnson and Johnson Chairman William Weldon states decentralised firms are more innovative. And here at Beepo, we know the cost efficiencies of not having to upgrade your own office space every time you hire new…

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    Managing your biggest barrier to success: Mark Engelmann

    Business owners and leaders often understand the financial implications of engaging an offshore team. Firstly, it is more cost effective to have a low-cost resource doing the non-revenue generating, or low-value, work; secondly, the opportunity cost that it creates by freeing up the local team to focus on revenue-generating work is also very clear. However, the commercial benefits alone are…

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    Mark Engelmann: The Top 7 Reasons Why Outsourced Teams Fail

    We know that, anecdotally, across the industry 50 per cent of businesses who try outsourcing fail to reap any benefits. But why does this happen when so many succeed? Here are the top seven reasons why out-sourced teams fail: 1. SUPER HERO NEEDED When you start to think about the cost savings associated with an outsourced team, I wouldn’t blame you for getting…

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