Paul Roach

Paul Roach is a sought-after business strategist and coach who has worked with hundreds of SMEs across many industries to supercharge their cashflow.
  • Elite Agent

    An essential cashflow management guide for difficult times

    It’s just as easy to go broke in a boom as it is in a bust. Equally you can make profit with negative cashflow and a loss with positive cashflow. Whilst a good majority of business owners will continue to look at their feet, some will raise their gaze to focus on opportunities. Difficult times call for extraordinary measures to…

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  • Elite Agent

    Five ways to get your cash flow back in shape

    Pre-pandemic seems such a long time ago. We had a set and stable economy, rules in play that we understood and had learned to abide by. In the space of a few short months we now have a new normal which has managed to turn what we have known on its head. Decimated bank accounts have been a big source…

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